Student Spotlight: National Honor Society

Members look forward to another year of contributing to the community and making an impact.

Autumn Radcliff
The Odyssey
3 min readOct 21, 2022


Members of NHS gather for the 2021–2022 group photo. Photo by Mr. Sanchez.

YVHS’s chapter of the National Honor Society has been going strong through the years even despite the unpredictability of recent school years. For the 2022–2023 school year, National Honor Society has seventy bright members, both returning and new.

National Honor Society members not only help the community, but themselves as well. “We influence the community by giving our time and spreading positivity,” says NHS President senior Lola Alvarez. Students are given the opportunity to learn about themselves, provide services in the community, and establish connections to wonderful organizations and people. Returning member junior Chloe Philippi says being part of the program has many benefits: “Personally, National Honor Society has helped me drive to be a better student and community member.”

Members preparing for the food drive. Photo courtesy Mrs. Nicholson

This year, NHS will have more of a focus on whole-group volunteer opportunities, including contributing to the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox campaign and the Black Rock “Trunk or Treat.” Currently, the club is hosting a food drive through Thanksgiving, the proceeds of which will be donated to local food banks. Each NHS member will contribute at least fifteen hours of service to our community this school year!

“National Honor Society has helped me drive to be a better student and community member.” — junior Chloe Philippi

Yucca Valley High School’s National Honor Society is a chapter of the nationwide National Honor Society. Through scholarship, service, leadership, and character, our chapter is setting out to make a difference in the Morongo Basin. “National Honor Society is a group of individuals with big hearts who intentionally strive to make the world a better place, starting with our own community,” says Mrs. Nicholson, who has taken up as this year’s coordinator.

At its core, National Honor Society is a community service-based program. Through the years, YVHS’s chapter has grown, and they’ve contributed many service hours to the Morongo Basin. Last year’s chapter accumulated over a thousand hours of service for our local community.

LEFT: Members created care packages for Reach Out Morongo Basin. RIGHT: Members worked with kids from the Boys and Girls Club for ornament crafting last year. Photos courtesy Mrs. Weber.
LEFT: Members pose with their Valentine’s for LCMS students. RIGHT: Members display support cards made for HDCCC Patients. Photos courtesy Mrs. Weber.

Autumn Radcliff loves reading, film, running, and listening to music. She is a junior and a member of National Honor Society at Yucca Valley High School.

