Top 5 Christmas Activities

Some of my favorite family traditions to enjoy when celebrating this joyous holiday.

Isabella Martinez
The Odyssey
3 min readNov 30, 2022


Photo by Tessa Rampersad on Unsplash.

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are days that should spread happiness to family, friends, neighbors, and to you. People from all around the world celebrate these two days in various ways, but as for myself and my family, we like to celebrate it with five reoccurring ways, though it does vary every year. And at the end of the holiday, my family boasts to everyone about how cheerful our Christmas went.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash.

Christmas Eve

Waiting for the clock to strike midnight is a tradition my family participates in because it not only lets you party and enjoy time spent during the day, but it also lets you anticipate opening your presents at night. This also allows for other activities to be done during that time, too. Additionally, it gives you quality time with the entire family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins) and Christmas Day can be spent with your immediate family and friends. In all, this allows for some good two-day celebrations.

Photo by Noémie Cauchon on Unsplash.

Party Games

When celebrating the holidays, games are a fun way to engage with others as well as win some prizes. Usually, games that relate to Christmas are preferred, but board games are another option. With these games comes competition, which leads to fun memories and laughter when playing.

Photo by Lan Gao on Unsplash.


Christmas crafts is another activity that brings joy. Building gingerbread houses, decorating cookies with frosting, and building small toys are ways to show off your creative skills, which then brings in some new memories. What better way for family members of different generations to bond?

Photo by Elliot Sloman on Unsplash.


Music is a big part of Christmas and really develops the Christmas mood, so singing karaoke or listening to songs lets you spread that Christmas cheer. Christmas songs such as Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You” is a good example of something that must be played during your festivities.

Photo by Chinh Le Duc on Unsplash.


The aromas fill every room on Christmas, and stomachs growl to that wonderful smell. With cooking, my family likes to gather around and help around the kitchen, where we make tamales and pozole (some necessary dishes). We engage and cooperate with each other while we mess around in the kitchen.

These activities always brings in nostalgia from the past holidays, and my family enjoys participating in each and every one.

Isabella Martinez is a junior at YVHS. She is excited for the Christmas season.

