K-pop machine goes on: how Korean culture conquers the world

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3 min readApr 18, 2018

Do you remember Psy and his Gangnam Style? The Korean popular music, known as K-pop, has become widespread ever since.

What, precisely, is the K-pop? It is a music genre originating from South Korea. In spite of the term “popular”, this genre includes various elements of Western pop music, hip-hop, dance, and modern R&B. One of the most important features of this style is a complicated choreography. In addition, K-pop performers can boast of impressive clips with a scenario and direction of high quality.

The K-pop artists are called idols or idol groups. There are hundreds of different groups in Korea, some of which are focused on the appearance while the others give a special attention to vocal or choreography. They have a huge fan audience all over the world. The fans create fan clubs, visit the concerts of their favorite artists, follow them in the social networks, send them various gifts, and in every possible way support their idols.

Why K-pop is so popular?

The spread of the Korean culture is a phenomenon called the Korean Wave. There are several reasons why it has attracted people’s attention. The K-pop artists use interesting and impressive costumes and color in their clips. The effects, make up, outfits, and everything else attract the audience. The performers utilize strong storytelling in many songs and clips and addicting melodies, which stuck in people’s heads. People find the Korean language interesting, mysterious, and attractive. The K-pop artists often mix English words with their lyrics. It makes them more accessible to the fans from the Western countries. The fans are carried away by the K-pop choreography. The dances are so exciting, complicated, and challenging that is impossible not to admire them.

Dark side of picture

The Korean show business laws are severe than that in other parts of the world. The Korean boys and girls entered the show business world at the age of 10. In order to succeed and become a star, they must be talented and hardworking. In spite of this reverse side of the show business, many young people try to enter it in order to become popular, share their talent with other people, and get an army of fans. Hardship doesn’t scare them. However, not all talented persons can attract the attention of the labels and producers.

There are many artists, dancers, and other performers in the market. Unfortunately, they can’t evince themselves due to the complexity of self-and entry barriers into the show business world but they have such a chance.

Further development of K-pop

The K-pop world doesn’t stand still and is evolving into a new communication model allowing the future stars to show themselves and fulfill their potential. It can be transformed into a decentralized ecosystem for growing new talents and popularization of interaction between Korea and other cultures, such as the Z-POP DREAM Project.

Its mission is to create favorable conditions for the birth of new stars, music bands, and projects to enter the international arena and attract the audience all over the world.

The qualified mentors will help the young artists to improve their skills and show their creative work to the Korean and international audience. The industry need changes and the appearance of such instruments was just a matter of time. Z-POP DREAM will connect the K-pop artists and fans from around the world, which will help to spread the K-pop culture to other countries and unite different cultures. This new model can make a new pop culture that will succeed on a global basis.

Discover the worldwide crypto k-pop wave with Z-POP DREAM.

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