Thanksgiving House Cleaning Checklist

Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2018

This. Is. Not. A. Drill. You’ve got a few days before Thanksgiving and a lot to accomplish. We’ve got all the things you need to check off your to-do list before your guests arrive.

Prepare Your Kitchen

☐ Go through your spices — toss any that are past their prime
☐ Give the refrigerator and freezer a good clean out and scrubbing
☐ If you haven’t used bakeware/roasting pans in a while — it might be good to take them out and wash them
☐ Think through your holiday cooking schedule and organize your kitchen in a way that makes Thanksgiving day easier for you
☐ Make sure you have all of the plates, glasses, utensils you need
☐ Stock extra paper towels, dish soap, dishwasher soap, kitchen cleaning wipes for quick cleaning
☐ Clean your oven and stovetop
☐ Pick up a few first aid kitchen essentials — like burn cream

Do Your Laundry

☐ Take out and wash all of your holiday-specific tablecloths and napkins
☐ Now is a good time to make sure your Thanksgiving holiday outfits are clean and ready to go for the big day
☐ If you don’t have one, it’s always good to have an apron or two on hand for anyone helping in the kitchen
☐ Wash hand towels and towels

Getting the House Ready

☐ Clean windows and mirrors 3–7 days before guests arrive
☐ Dust all of the hard-to-reach and rarely dusted areas (you know the ones)
☐ Dust/Clean your TV for optimal Football watching
☐ Make room in a closet so friends and family have a place to store coats
☐ Stock up on hand soap for bathrooms
☐ Keep a bottle of hand sanitizer in the kitchen and near the front door
☐ 1–2 days before — vacuum
☐ Wipe down your dining room table and any leaves you’ll be using
☐ De-clutter your guest rooms, change linens and make beds
☐ If you have overnight guests, make up a little guest basket with toiletries
☐ Sweep porches and walkways
☐ Pick up a bag of salt just in case there is slippery weather
☐ The day before/Day of — give a final clean to bathrooms
☐ Before guests arrive — quick vacuum and sweep common areas

Clean-Up Your Lawn

☐ If you haven’t done so, store any outdoor lawn equipment
☐ Disconnect and store hoses
☐ Have piles of leaves picked up and discarded
☐ Check to see if there are any obstacles in your lawn — like fallen branches
☐ Clear off patios, walkways, and stairs
☐ Spread out de-icing salt if there is a chance of slippery surfaces

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