Your Home This Summer — You Must-Do Maintenance Checklist

Published in
5 min readJun 1, 2019
Lawnmower mowing over green grass. Be sure to schedule regular lawn mainteance!

Summer is here! Warm weather, pool days, baseball, late nights hanging out with friends and neighbors — summer is a time to rest, relax and enjoy.

Your home goes through a lot during the summer. Heat, summer storms, dry weather, humid weather, rain, continually running the AC, increased foot traffic — can all cause some stress to your home. We’re here to help you make sure your home stays in tip-top shape all summer! With our summer home maintenance checklist, you won’t be stuck without AC on the first 100-degree day or with a flooded basement during the rainiest week of the year.

We’re here for everything your home needs this summer — from regular mainteance to big home renovations! Get in touch with one of our service providers today, and get a conversation started!

Why Pressure Wash?

Pressure washing will help you maintain your property value for years longer than if you skip pressure washing. Your home (specifically the exterior of your home) gets hit with a lot of stress through every season. Weather, dust, dirt, rain, animals, air pollutants, insects, and a lot more can start to destroy the outside of your home. Pressure washing will also remove insects that have begun to set-up their home and most importantly — pressure washing will get rid of all of the spider eggs that are hiding out on the exterior of your home. Lastly, pressure washing will give your home a fresh-new — just painted look!

Schedule pressure washing.

Get Your Trees Trimmed

Summer storms — even the ones that don’t cause storm alerts to go off on your phone can cause lots of damage if you have trees that haven’t been tended to. Now is the time to contact one of the arborists on Zaarly to have your trees inspected, trimmed, and have any trees that are diseased or dead. If you have low-hanging branches above your roof or driveway — you’ll want to schedule with one of our arborists today! Be safe this summer!
*If you have an emergency tree situation — our arborists take emergency requests!
Reach out to one of our arborists.

Why Have Your Windows Cleaned?

Having your windows professionally cleaned (inside and out) will wipe away all of the dirt and grime that has been building up all winter and spring. Having your windows cleaned is a great way to remove pollen and other allergens that like to lurk around your house. Ideally, you’ll want to have your windows cleaned twice a year — summer and winter.
Get your windows cleaned this week!

Photo of a pool deck with a pool.

Keep Your Pool & Pool Deck Clean

Regular pool cleaning is a must if you want to enjoy warm summer days! Have your pool cleaned and on a regular cleaning schedule. Now is also a good idea to have your pool deck pressure washed.
Schedule pool mainteance.

Don’t Forget the AC!

Every summer we warn homeowners to get their AC tune-up ASAP. And every summer we hear from lots of homeowners on 100 degree days, as they stand in front of their open-freezer, desperately trying to get in touch with an HVAC maintenance specialist. Don’t let this happen to you! Schedule your AC tune-up now, and you won’t have to worry about it for the rest of the summer! You’ll also be preserving the longevity of your AC unit!

Curb Appeal

Lawns are at war with the elements all summer. Grass, gardens, flower beds all need extra attention. It’s best to schedule regular lawn mainteance all summer to stay ahead of all of it. Grass can turn brown quickly if it’s not getting enough nourishment and regular trims. Get on the schedule with one of our lawn care professionals!

Why Have Your Carpets Cleaned?

Microbes, dust mites, pollen, allergens, pet dander — it all gets trapped in your carpet. During the summer, lots of bare feet will be walking over your carpet, make sure a pro cleans them, so you aren’t kicking up everything buried in your carpet fibers! Cleaning your carpets will also remove stains and that dull look that developers over time. Schedule your carpet cleaning with one of our pros!

Locksmith re-keying a lock.

Have Your Locks Changed & Update Your Security System

Summer vacations, long days away, summer camps, people coming in and out — all can put your home at risk for burglary. It is not enough to switch out the hardware of your lock, and the safest option is having your locks re-keyed completely. Changing locks is a job that you only want a dependable locksmith to complete. They have the tools and skills to make sure that your locks are correctly re-keyed. Now is also a great time to set up your home security system.
Get in touch with a professionally trained locksmith!

Bonus Tip!

Did you know that you need to change the direction of your ceiling fans in the summer? Your ceiling fan blades should be turning clockwise — this will pull up the hot air and make your room cooler!
*There is usually a switch right on your ceiling fan that will change the direction of the fan.

Enjoy your summer! We’re here for all of your house needs — from mainteance to the significant renovations. Get in touch with a Zaarly service provider and start a conversation today — they’ll get in touch with you in less than three hours!




From housecleaning to home renovation, we guarantee a job well done. It’s that simple.