The never-ending game development

Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2019

Hey guys! What’s up with our little game, Zabuyaki? We still seem to be stuck in development hell, but we’re working hard to escape it. Here’s a quick recap of what we’ve been up to over the last few months:

  • We’re still working on the first stage graphics (including a few new features, like parallax scrolling and water reflections). We could make a lot of progress on the stage graphics thanks to our mysterious new recruit, colloquially known as Gege.
  • We’ve decided to go for much more vivid / saturated character colors. See below. Do you think we’ve gone overboard? Let us know if you have any feedback.
  • Various engine fixes and improvements. Among them: a reworked collision system (including the ability to define frame-specific hurt boxes), a fix for an old bug that showed the first animation frame for too long, a fix for the appearance of special ghost trails (which can be seen in the screenshot below, behind Chai), and more. Still no weapon support, though, but we’re getting closer to that.
A glimpse at the reworked first stage

But we’re not just endlessly reworking stuff, we’re also creating new stuff. Now that Gege is here to help us with the stage graphics, I have more time to work on new character animations. These days, I’m working on the animations of Yar, one of our four playable characters. Here’s his latest animation:

Yar falling and getting back up

In closing, as you noticed, we don’t blog much at all anymore, but we’re more active on Twitter, so make sure to follow us there too if you want more news. Ciao!

