Alternative character colors

Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2016

Yo yo yo. Don and myself (but mostly Don) have been working on the character selection screen. Here’s what it looks like now:

Zabuyaki will support up to 3 players, and will let you select the same fighter. If players pick the same character, they’ll have a different color palette to keep them distinguishable.

Here are the heroes along with their alternative colors (default color set on the left):

This works by replacing certain colors with other colors. When making Rick’s sprite, I made a silly mistake: I used the same black for his eyebrows and for the outlines of his pants. Just an old habit of using as few colors as possible. Because of this, trying to alter the colors of his pants would also change the color of his eyebrows. I had to go through all of his animations to change his eyebrow color to something unique. The result is what you can see above: making it possible to have alternative pants colors.

Lastly, keep in mind everything shown here is a work in progress and is subject to change (hopefully for the better!).

