Writers Blog #6

Zach Arnold
Zach Arnold’s Social Media Rant
3 min readMar 11, 2024

This past week in class one of the things we talked about was using visuals in writing and writing online. Throughout my blogs and articles in the first half of the semester, I did not include any images or visuals throughout my work.

Looking back on those articles, it was a missed opportunity to transition my thoughts to a new topic. It is important to include visuals in blogs to help an audience know when a new topic is coming up or to help ease the transition instead of starting it up abruptly.

Another thought I had on how using visuals in work helps make the article better is it is more appealing to the eye. I am positive that many people would agree that just looking at words without images are boring and more readers would tend to click off an article without any visual elements.

A second thing that I will keep in mind throughout my articles in the future is the question; “What does writing for social action mean?” There are many ways to answer this question but it does not have any definitive answer.

My answer to what writing for social action means is the goal is to promote a certain action that you care about or feel like something needs to be spoken about. Many topics are an issue in today’s world that many care about, spreading these opinions over an online audience can create a social action.

Say you were to write an article about racism, and hoped to promote racial issues in the world. On its own, you are writing for social action by spreading your opinion on a specific issue and relaying it to others.

Not everyone has to write about their opinion and thoughts on certain issues in the world, sharing articles that promote awareness to an issue is just as helpful, and a share is ‘action” on an article.

Throughout the week we also learned about a future assignment that we would need to choose a topic for. This topic can be chosen based on opinion and not assigned.

I still am not sure what I should write about. Growing up, I did not pay much attention to politics or major issues that is going on around me.

There is one thing I am interested in, which is the importance of voting. Later this year, I will be voting for the first time, and need to become aware of what my vote means. Who do I vote for? How does voting work? What does my vote lead to? These are all questions I need to figure out before voting later this year.

I am leaning toward choosing that as my topic, however, still have other options I could write about. If I were to choose writing about the importance of voting, I would be writing with the intent of social action, hoping that my article can spread awareness of voting and its importance.

