Introducing Zach Laidlaw Reloaded, a blog about consumer tech, gaming, and more

Zach Laidlaw
Zach Laidlaw Reloaded
3 min readSep 6, 2021

Most people who see this know I work in tech media on the daily. I’m constantly typing out emails, writing down ideas, and penning articles for a popular Android website. And as cool of a job as that is (I really do love it), it’s still a job, meaning I have a set number of tasks to do every week, and that’s it. There aren’t many opportunities to explore topics beyond my current scope.

I’ve been wanting to branch out for awhile now, but as someone who types out thousands of words a week, writing even more didn’t seem like a viable solution. So in late 2020 through early 2021, I briefly tried my hand at some other content mediums, like podcasting and game streaming, but none of it felt comfortable. No, comfortable isn’t the word. Natural. None of it felt like me.

No matter how I rationalize it, I am inherently a writer, and I’ve been this way my entire life. Even if I do happen to write all day, spitting out words isn’t just about the act of putting fingers on a keyboard and letting them fly; it’s about having something to say. That brings me to this little slice of the internet I’m calling Zach Laidlaw Reloaded.

What is Zach Laidlaw Reloaded

Borrowing the name from my short stint in podcasting, Zach Laidlaw Reloaded is my revitalized blog where I’ll regularly discuss topics pertaining to consumer tech, the gaming industry, and any other thought that comes to mind.

In short, I’m starting this project to give myself the chance to write about things that I’m not normally able to cover in my daytime gig. I have no idea if anyone will care to read it, but if you do happen to see this, thanks for stopping by! It means a ton to me.

Let’s talk sustainability for a moment

For anyone paying attention to my Twitter page, you probably noticed the recent poll I ran asking you all if you’d be interested in paying for content penned by me. Perhaps to no one’s surprise, the response was an overwhelming “nope,” followed closely by ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Despite this sobering truth, Zach Laidlaw Reloaded isn’t just a creative outlet for me — though it certainly is that, as well. This is a side-hustle. We all dream of making a living doing things we love, and I had planned on utilizing subscriptions to help me fulfill my dream. Alas, a writer’s work is only useful if people can read it, and you all were pretty clear about how you felt (thank you). So I found some alternatives to (hopefully) help fund my project.

First of all, every article I publish from here on out will be part of the Medium Partner Program. That means if you subscribe to Medium, you’ll have unbridled access to all of my upcoming articles (plus other premium Medium articles), and I’ll even get a bit of revenue from your views. If you don’t subscribe, Medium allows readers to enjoy up to three premium articles per month, which means you’ll still get to see my work! It’s a win-win.

Additionally, I’ll regularly be inviting my readers here to leave a donation of any amount as often as they’d like to help keep this project afloat. If you’re interested in helping me fund Zach Laidlaw Reloaded, you can send a tip via any of the options in the image below. Thank you for your support. 🙏

Up next…

So that’s everything you need to know about Zach Laidlaw Reloaded. Be sure to hit the “follow” button that’s lurking somewhere at the top of this article or on the ZLReloaded homepage so that you can stay in the know about the latest content. I’ll also be sharing my articles to my Twitter page @ztlaidlaw. See you in the next one!



Zach Laidlaw
Zach Laidlaw Reloaded

Indie Tech Journalist | Gadget nerd, gamer, writer, etc. | Exodus 14:14 | Prev: Android Police, How-To Geek