
Zady Chronicle
Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2014


The Zady Team

Today we are launching The “Sourced In” Movement.

The mission of The “Sourced In” Movement is to make brands responsible for the sustainable, ethical and economic factors for every step of production, from farm to finish factory.

We Are Doing This Because:

  • The world consumes 400% percent more clothing than 20 years ago.
  • Cancer, asthma and neurological problems associated with chemicals used in apparel manufacturing are on the rise.
  • The textile industry is responsible for 20% of the world’s total industrial water pollution.
  • The supply chain of apparel products has many touch points and happens in many different countries — the current requirement to label products with “made in” will not do.

The time of brands hiding their supply chain is over. Just as we demand to know the ingredients in our food, we have a right to know the origins of our clothing.

What We Can Do To Advance The Movement Together:

Petition for Change: We are asking our government to create a new standard where apparel brands are required to label all goods sold in the U.S. with a new “Sourced In” tag disclosing the country of origins of the entire product supply chain, including the: farmers, washers, dyers, spinners, weavers and sewers. This tag will hold brands accountable for their complete supply chain.

View our petition by clicking here.

Image of .01 The Sweater from ZADY getting produced in the USA. Read more about the process setting the new standard here.

Here’s How You Can Participate:

Help the movement receive an answer from The White House. With 100,000 signatures, the Obama Administration must respond to the petition. To join in, sign the petition and encourage others to do the same across social media using #KnowYourSource.

  • View and sign the petition HERE.
  • Spread the word: help us get #KnowYourSource trending on TWITTER.

Together, we will change the industry for good.

Team Zady

Discover the process behind .01 The Seater, made and sourced in the USA. For the full story behind the production of the seater setting the new standard visit Zady.

Read more about our petition on WhiteHouse.Gov.



Zady Chronicle

Re-envisioning the future of fashion. #TheNewStandard