Some Topics

Published in
1 min readJun 16, 2016

Hello again! Here’s a short list (not at all complete*) of topics that I happen to know something about or am at least interested in. These topics will likely be the subjects of different posts to this blog sometime in the future, so if they interest you then you will probably like what I write!

(in no particular order…)
- Technology (Whatever that is.)
- the Internet
- Software
- Design (I’m no designer)
- Cooking
- Food science / Chemistry
- Creativity
- Business / Money
- Geography
- Games (both video & physical)
- Books
- Podcasts
- Music

* I just wrote this list real quick, so I somehow probably forgot a bunch of things I’m actually interested in. Sorry :)

(P.S. — If you didn’t read my “What is this?” post, I will start doing daily blog posts sometime in July. See you then!)

