To share is to care, or, Our journey toward better communication

We feel like we need to know you better — so we decided to start this brand new year with a brand new ‘newsletter’.

Turischev Sasha
Zajno Crew
4 min readFeb 5, 2019


We are Zajno — a collective of professionals that are crazy about design. We’ve just unleashed our first newsletter, and we thought we’d write a little article to address the ‘why?’, ‘what?’ and ‘how often?’ of our particular riff on this well-worn genre of communication.

If you got the letter, it means we felt it was time to say ‘hi’. Most likely, we’d met somewhere before, here or there around the world — so, the first purpose of what we’re doing is just to drop you a line, check everything’s OK, and share some cool stuff.

It sounds kind of too obvious to say, but smart and clear communication is everything to us. We couldn’t live in a world where people didn’t share their knowledge and ideas, and helping folks get their message across is what gets us out of bed in the morning.

So, thinking about all this, and counting up all the little pieces of inspiration that keep us moving forward, we decided to launch this newsletter — just in case any of the dope tunes, good reads, or sweet art and design projects that keep our minds popping might inspire you too.

A sneak peek at the first newsletter

It’s important to say that we won’t be tapping you on the shoulder every morning or anything annoying like that. We reckon we’ll pop up once or twice a month with a few choice morsels for your delectation. And naturally, you’ll always have the option to say ‘thanks but no thanks’ (read: unsubscribe), or, alternatively, to let us know your thoughts.

So what are we waiting for? Let’s jump in and see what exactly we’ll be sharing!

A pinch of design philosophy

Good reads, including the best of our own Medium articles, where we’ll be letting you know what we’re up to here at Zajno, and telling you about our projects, challenges, and the lessons we learned. We’ll share tips and answer your questions wherever we can, too.

Zajno Crew discussing a new project

In search of epiphany: what Zajno listens to

Music’s been keeping us moving and pushing us forward since day one (and, well, ages before that, actually). Like everyone, we’ve got some certain tracks that just do it — and we wanted to run them past you, in case any of them do it for you, too. Whether you’re chilling on the beach in the global deep south, or chilling in a different way further up the hemispheres, we think there’ll be something for you in the playlists that Zajno Crew members create every other week. While we’re on it, here’s one of the latest:

Listen on Spotify

Listen on YouTube

Zajno Music Playlist “Crappy Explanation” #46 by Kenny Ramirez

Zajno Grid

Finally for this time, the crew at Zajno decided they needed a place to share all the little things that make us feel fine.

Take a look to check out what’s there so far!

Zajno Grid

And finally finally, there’s something else you should know: we love you. Thank you for reading this article and checking out the very first edition of Zajno’s newsletter. We hope the stuff we shared will inspire you as much as it inspires us.

Haven’t got the letter? Sign up here to get the next one:

Leave a comment and tell us how we can improve our storytelling for next time, ask us a question, arrange to meet up, or make a suggestion for a follow up piece.

Website | Dribbble | The Grid | Spotify | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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