My blog & me

Hey! Thanks for stopping by to check out my first ever blog. I have never written a blog before so please excuse my ameture and noob style of writing, hopefully over this process I will gain the skills and I’m looking forward to hearing any feedback from you, my readers!

I guess it's time to introduce myself, my name is Zak Benarroch and I’m a master’s student at Yeshiva University, studying Digital Marketing & Media. I grew up in London and moved to New York a little over three years ago to begin my higher education at Yeshiva. Whilst at Yeshiva I studies Business and Music and had my first encounter with marketing and ended up minoring in marketing, this subsequently led me on the path to choose my current master’s.

Yeshiva University Hanukkah dinner, December 2019.

My career ambitions are to become a financial advisor/coach and I currently have an offer from a large firm that I plan to accept once I finish my master’s and hopefully work out my visa situation. During my master’s I’m also working for Yeshiva University in the Undergraduate Housing and Residence Life, this takes up a lot of my time and I love helping out students and the added challenge of dealing with dorm life during this pandemic definitely keeps me on my toes!

I really have very low expectations for this blog as I’m not someone who posts on social media very often and this will be a challenge for me to keep this up, however, now I definitely have the pressure of a grade resting on this blog to motivate me to keep it up. I do have a Twitter & LinkedIn where you can follow me and I will try and post on a more regular basis than I currently do, anything is better than zero I guess?

Here's to new beginnings and wishing everyone a happy new (Jewish) year. Really looking forward to this challenge and can't wait to see where this goes. Please feel free to reach out with any suggestions or comments.

Shana Tova,

Zak Benarroch

