Would This Company Make Me Happy as a Designer?

Erika Lauro
3 min readMay 25, 2020


Developing your design career and choosing the right job is a delicate process.

A lot of companies post job offers on LinkedIn and other platforms using buzzwords like “innovation,” “design thinking,” and “customer-centric approach,” but they don’t always possess the knowledge or culture required to implement these processes successfully. It can be hard for design professionals navigating the hiring process to assess whether design plays a significant role in a company’s efforts towards becoming a truly customer-centric organisation. So how can you tell if a company has the potential to help you grow as a creative professional?

1. An emphasis on customer impact

Valuing design means valuing customer problems (and opportunities). Organisations that culturally ignore or diminish their customers’ needs will rarely see design as a way to solve them or to improve the quality of their value proposition. In such companies, your expertise as a designer would in all likelihood only be utilised to make things “pretty.”

A company that has the right approach towards customer problems rigorously and regularly documents customer feedback, identifies challenges, and transforms them into initiatives that are given priority within the organisation. If they don’t have user researchers yet, they could use other channels like customer care and social media.

Interview tip: Ask what their current documentation process looks like and how they are planning to improve it in the future.

2. A design chief

I often hear of junior or mid-level designers who are hired as the first designer in their team and asked to lead new projects and design initiatives. That’s a red flag. As UX research and consulting firm Nielsen Norman Group identified in their corporate UX maturity scale, a company’s approach to user research evolves over eight stages and although a company may have a dedicated budget for design projects and user research, it’s difficult to become a truly customer-centric organisation without an experienced leader at the helm.

To be able to create authentic value and make an impact as a designer, your team needs to be supported and protected by a leader who prioritises the quality of the experience delivered by a product or a service. In addition to allocating a budget and resources for research and design tools, a leader acts as an advocate for the design team in conversations with upper management, demonstrating the return on investment created by delivering smooth and consistent experiences.

Interview tip: Ask for information about the company’s design chief: their background, previous experience, and achievements. This will give you a better understanding of their approach towards design activities and what to expect from them.

3. A professional development framework

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has experienced friction in the past due to a lack of proper guidelines defining roles and paths to promotion (especially during evaluation cycles).

Professional development frameworks are valuable tools that countless companies use to ensure that their employees understand the expectations of their roles and how to grow their careers. These documents state the different skill sets needed to fulfil specific roles in specific job families and act as a reference to successfully evaluate team members during personal review cycles. Without this, any designer would struggle to demonstrate the contributions they’ve made, their professional progression, and their impact within an organisation.

Interview tip: Ask if the company has or is planning to create a career progression model. Find out how a designer would grow within their company, and what different career paths are available. Do your research — there are lots of great examples of public and open source progression frameworks that you can peruse online.

4. A safe space to grow

In order to turn designers into outstanding designers they need a safe space where they can learn, exchange knowledge, and inspire each other on a regular basis. As a design professional on an endless quest to make meaningful things and experiences, working in a collaborative environment where your creativity and ideas are able to flourish is crucial.

Interview tip: Ask for information about the design team:

  • How diverse and inclusive is the team?
  • How often are they given the chance to experiment and fail?
  • How often do they take part in design rituals and community gatherings?
  • How do they exchange knowledge with each other?

Final thoughts

As I said, this checklist of criteria is based on my own experience including the mistakes I made in the past when I joined companies that were not even close to having the right assets in place to enable career growth. I’m curious, what other key criteria do you think designers hoping to advance their careers should consider?



Erika Lauro

Freelance Senior Strategic & Product Designer | xAKQA x Zalando SE | www.erikalauro.com