Meet members of Zalando’s Black Employee Resource Group

Marietta Kelpinski
Zalando Talent Communities
5 min readMay 3, 2022

The Zalando diversity and inclusion (D&I) strategy, do.BETTER, includes the commitment of creating an inclusive workplace for our talents.
One of the ways colleagues come together to build a sense of belonging is through Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), voluntary employee-driven groups, created on the basis of shared identity or experience.

In a recent article, we introduced the Black Employee Connection (BEC) ERG by talking to Cassandra Pope and Emo Rugene, founder and core member, respectively. They kindly walked us through the history and vision of the group that creates a safer space for Zalando employees, who identify as Black, to connect and share professional experiences.

What is it like to be a member of the BEC? We met three group members who explained what it means to join the community, what kind of impact the group has within Zalando, and why other Black employees should consider getting involved.

Please introduce yourselves, your roles in Zalando, and when you joined the company

Oceane Sipa: “I’m French from Aubervilliers, a Parisian suburb and I’ve lived in Berlin since April, 2021. My parents are from Cameroon and La Reunion Island. I joined Zalando as an intern in the Corporate Real Estate Innovations team in March 2021, before becoming a Junior Innovation Manager the following September. My pronouns are she/her.”

Philip Appah: “I’m a Nigerian living in Berlin since 2014. I joined Zalando in Summer, 2021 as a Product Design Intern within the Zalando Payments Design team. My pronouns are he/him.”

Johanna Pottinger: “I’m also known as ‘JP’. I’m Black British of Afro Caribbean descent working at Zalando Marketing Services as a Strategic Partner Consultant since July 2020. My pronouns are her/she.”

Why did you join the BEC?

Oceane: “During the first COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, while I was still in France, I saw a portrait of a BEC member on LinkedIn, talking about his Zalando-journey. As I was about to enter my last year of school, I wanted to know more about the experiences of people of color in companies I would like to work for after graduation. I contacted him and he shared his experiences with me and also told me about the BEC. It was the first time that I’d heard about safer spaces exclusively for Black employees, so I really wanted to be a part of it when I was offered the internship.”

JP: “Being new to Berlin and moving during the COVID-19 lockdown, it was hard to build connections and meet other people, let alone my fellow Black people. A previous manager told me about the BEC and I joined right away.”

Philip: “For me, the BEC is a space where Black Zalando employees can feel more at home, share common interests, and support one another. As they say, there is strength in unity and the BEC means togetherness as one voice. The BEC’s aim is that all Black employees maximize their potential within and outside Zalando.”

What is your favorite part about being a BC member?

JP: “My favorite part is having an extended network of like-minded people, with whom I can share experiences, thoughts, and even songs with within a safer place.”

Oceane: “My favorite part is seeing new people being added to the group chat. That allows me to see how much the Black community within Zalando is growing. But also discover new music, get tips on Afro shops and hairdressers, etc, which is really helpful when you are new in a city.”

Philip: “I feel more protected working in Zalando thanks to the BEC. I love the fact we share updates and support each other. Especially when it comes to offering tips to functions and services within Berlin that can make our lives easier. It can be hectic to get practical things done, especially for Black people who have just moved here. The regular updates in the BEC chat channel make my experience here smoother.”

How does the BEC impact your Zalando experience?

Philip: “During my first six months in Zalando, I experienced a tremendous amount of growth through my assigned BEC mentor, Shoshannah Richards. She helped me find my ground and guided me all the way through, which means a lot to me. Now I feel the need to do the same for others joining the company. I want to help, guide and nurture them.”

JP: “Having only worked from home the whole time I’ve worked at Zalando, the BEC gives me the chance to connect and network. I also feel a sense of pride by being a part of the BEC network.”

Oceane: “The BEC shaped my experience a lot and was one of the reasons I wanted to stay after my internship. As I arrived during the COVID-19 lockdown, it was really difficult to connect with others. However, with the BEC’s networking groups, I was able to get to know other people outside of my team and even made friends. It’s also nice to have a safer space and talk to people who face the same experiences.”

Why do you think Black employees should join the BEC?

JP: “It’s a safer space to be YOU!”

Oceane: “Black employees should definitely join the BEC to be able to have a safer space and support from people that face or faced similar situations. But it is also a nice place to network and get to know people outside of your department.”

Philip: “Besides a smoother employee journey and a better sense of belonging, I encourage people to join because you won’t know how much you can also impact others. The more the BEC grows, the stronger our influence becomes.”

What would you like to see the BEC doing in the coming year?

Oceane: “I hope that the Covid-19 situation will improve to enable a BEC get-together. It would be great to see people, in-person, and connect.”

Philip: “As Oceane says, a monthly live event would really take the BEC to the next level — going beyond the chat channels and connecting in real life at regular intervals.”

JP: “I agree. I would also love to meet the members face-to-face. I feel a connection with the group and I know this will only grow stronger when we meet up. So, in-person events are something I’m really looking forward to.”

Why should Black talent consider Zalando?

JP: “Sustainability and inclusivity are our core strategic pillars. We have rapid and ambitious growth plans and lots of opportunities for career progression. And, of course, the BEC group is waiting to welcome you.”

Oceane: “Black talent should join because Diversity & Inclusion is something Zalando is working hard on and, as Black talent, you have space to grow. Within the BEC, some people also promote openings in their team or department which makes it easier if you want to move internally. Moreover, many former interns like myself are now in junior positions within or outside their teams. Don’t hesitate to explore the opportunities.”

Philip: “I can’t talk about other workplaces but here, in Zalando, Black employees’ interests are represented and there is a sense of belonging. Join us and let’s take our community beyond unimaginable heights.”

We hope you’ve enjoyed this interview and feel inspired to learn more about the BEC. If so, please visit our Diversity and Inclusion hub here or check out the open positions on our careers site here.

You can also meet the BEC founder and core group members in this article.

