Say hi to our Compliance AmbaZadors!

Monica Carroquino Asensi
Zalando Talent Communities
2 min readNov 15, 2022

In early 2022, Zalando’s Compliance and Business Ethics department launched an initiative called “Compliance AmbaZadors” with the aim of decentralizing compliance topics to local enablers allowing to be deeper embedded in the business, understand local challenges and drive well-informed solutions and opportunities. The concept has been successfully rolled out and currently includes our German warehouses as well as our Tech sites in Zurich, Dublin and Helsinki.

I joined Zalando a year ago to build the Compliance AmbaZadors network. I am happy to be working with so many smart and passionate colleagues who are fully committed to bringing this idea to life. A big shout out to all of you who put in this extra effort to create something that brings so much awareness for Compliance!” — Manuel Meier, Senior Compliance Manager, Zalando SE

Local contacts for Zalandos

In addition to playing a key part in facilitating the flow of information between the various legal entities, the local Compliance AmbaZadors are also, above all, local counterparts who allow their colleagues to raise potential issues and talk to someone in a familiar working environment. This breaks down unwanted barriers that might prevent Zalandos from raising potential issues, which is vital to providing support where it is needed most.

As one of two Compliance AmbaZadors for the logistics centre in Mönchengladbach, I listen to the problems of my colleagues. I truly believe that this helps people speak up and seek support where it is needed. Our site also benefits greatly from the regular exchange with the Compliance & Business Ethics team in Berlin”, Susen Frisch, Team Lead Time Management, Zalando Logistics Mönchengladbach

Growing community of talented Zalandos

While there are already 14 colleagues successfully on board, the concept has been designed to be scalable and easily incorporated at additional sites. The Compliance AmbaZador community is expected to expand even further over time, benefiting greatly from a large number of talented Zalandos who take on this additional responsibility on top of their usual duties, thus expanding their knowledge and skills on the job.

I received intensive onboarding to gain the necessary skills to support my colleagues at Zalando Ireland. It allowed me to expand my knowledge in certain areas, which I wouldn’t normally have been able to do”, Declan Glanney, Financial Controller, Zalando Ireland

If you would like to learn more about the Zalando Compliance AmbaZador concept or discuss your own approaches, please feel free to contact our colleagues from the Compliance department at



Monica Carroquino Asensi
Zalando Talent Communities

Hello! My name is Monica and I work for our Talent Communities at Zalando.