BITES // 07.02.20 // MENTAL SORBET

Allison Newell
Published in
5 min readJul 2, 2020


Every month we collect six of the best pieces of content published on the web and share them with you, because we believe that the most extraordinary thinking is inspired by looking to unexpected places. BITES is a reading list for those who want to bring a little of the outside, in.


Like the food we ingest, digital content is now being evaluated for its “nutritional value” as a proactive approach to holistic wellness. Whereas digital “detoxing” was more about limiting screen time, digital “nutrition” is more about finding uplifting and hopeful content that can provide the mental boost we need. As uncertainty and stress continue to peak, digital health management platforms like Moodrise 1000 and conceptual projects like BLKNEWS are creating antidotes to the toxic news cycle by offering content alternatives that put us in a better mood state or counteract harmful stereotypes. It begs the question though: how do we strike the right balance of “digital nourishment” while still staying in touch with reality, versus completely escaping the tough conversations to the point of blissful ignorance?


Speaking of content with nutritional value… Disney+ is dabbling in mood-boosting content through its new animated feature, Zenimation, which takes ASMR to soaring new heights. Scenes from Disney classics (think Moana, Tarzan, and Frozen to name a few) are trimmed down to the bare essentials, with only soothing sound effects to accompany the visual. No dialogue. No singing. No orchestra. Just some dreamy soundscapes that are easy to get lost in, providing a calming (and nostalgic) mental respite for viewers. Disney’s willingness to strip its classic movies of their iconic songs for the benefits of consumers’ mental health is a lesson in how brands can provide moments of serenity and escapism during times of uncertainty.


Tabletop games have been around for ages, yet their psychological benefits have never been more relevant during this time. Described as a “magic circle” where laughter, joy, creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving can flourish, game environments provide an alternate reality where everyone exists within the same constraints and rules of engagement. In this circle, you are in a safe space to practice thought patterns that now feel risky in the real world, where you can assert complete control over managing your wheat, battleships, or trains. Being in complete control of our destiny (even if it’s for just one hour of playing Settlers of Catan) can have soothing effects. So go ahead and make that next power move, and see what it can do for you.


In times of instability, we often resort to simple pleasures and creature comforts. While the skyrocketing surge of sourdough starters and focaccia art can be partially attributed to boredom at home or the desire to be self-reliant, there’s something much deeper at play. Baking bread forces us to adjust the tempo of our everyday routines; to take a moment to slow down and surrender to the fermentation process. As much as you carefully proof, monitor, measure, knead, and shape the dough, you still don’t have complete control over the final outcome because you’re working in tandem with the active yeast and bacteria. But that’s okay, because in all its unpredictability, the patience and care you tend to it with becomes a mindful practice of its own.


Amidst the pandemic, one industry that has surprisingly endured (and even seen an upswing in business) are psychic services. While people have turned to spiritualism in times of uncertainty throughout history, the moment we’re living in now has illuminated an even deeper need for reassurance and clarity via the inexplicable or parapsychological, whether it be astrology, spiritual guides, or virtual tarot card readings. While psychic practices are rooted in the realm of pseudoscience, what remains true is its usefulness as a tool for self-reflection and motivating one to action. Whether it’s accurate or not, it can provide a sense of order to a chaotic reality that feels hard to grab control of or even make sense of. It goes to show that as we seek comfort, we’re willing to suspend belief in times of need.

6. SELF-CARE AT 432 HZ 🌿🎶

432 hertz is said to be the natural frequency of the universe, where patterns in nature are consistently aligned with this magical number. In celebration of Juneteenth, musician Kelsey Lu launched a meditational sound bath tuned to 432 Hz to provide sonic healing and show solidarity for the leaders on the frontlines of revolution. As we process the constant news cycle and challenge racist structures of power, her music provides a moment of respite and an outlet to “make space for yourself.” By tuning out the external noise and tuning into these natural sounds for just 20 minutes, it puts the mind at ease, serving as a means to take care of ourselves so that we can be re-energized as we jump back into things.


As we continue to protest, read, educate ourselves, educate others, unlearn behaviors and biases, engage in debate with loved ones, and demand accountability from government officials (all while Corona continues to intensify and loom over us), it’s important that we make room for moments of mental “sorbet.” All the things we’ve learned in coping with a pandemic over the past few months carry forward as we find ways to stay fresh in the fight for social justice. Whether that’s listening to Kelsey Lu’s meditational sound bath, baking bread, seeking psychic advice, or consuming uplifting content, finding that mental nourishment to keep spirits high and the momentum going is key. Finding mental sorbet is a privilege, and it should never distract or shield us completely from the realities at hand. It’s to ensure we jump back into action with even more energy, so we can keep the pedal to the metal. As Black activist and writer Rachel Cargle reminds us: “Our self-care practice can be proactive as opposed to reactive. Burn out doesn’t have to be the catalyst to rest. We can rest as a gift to our future selves.”



Allison Newell

Hi, I’m a strategist always looking for the next big insight.