The ancient Venetian Castle Of Zakynthos

Louis Hotels
Zante island, Greece
3 min readApr 26, 2014


The ancient Venetian Castle stands above the Town of Zakynthos, Zante as if it is guarding it. It is located in the area of Bochali, in a marvellously preserved park. When holidaying in the beautiful island of Zakynthos you should take the time and visit the ancient castle, as it is part of the island’s rich history, its identity and its origin.

Ironically, the exact date the Venetian Castle was constructed is unknown, it has never been registered. However, is it assumed to have been built thousands of years ago, in the 1480s. Astonishingly, the area of the Venetian Castle was built on the same site as the ancient Acroplois in Athens. Another interesting fact is that during the Venetian rule, the ancient castle of Zakynthos constituted the capital of Ionian island.

Unfortunately, soon after the castle was built, it was demolished by the Turks who invaded the island. Nonetheless, the Venetians considered the castle to be significant and it was repaired again under their rule.

Once you enter the main entrance gates of the castle, you will notice the magnificent sculptured crest of Venice named, Saint Marcos’ Lion. It becomes evident, as you stroll around the grounds and observe the gigantic walls, the towers and canons, that the castle was once considered the main source of protection to the people of the island. You will be overwhelmed by the architecture, the weapons displayed and the magnificence the Venetian Castle transmits, even after the passage of so many years. Your imagination will surely transport you, and you will imagine how the people in those times lived, worked, dressed and ran their daily lives. It is truly magical and worth your visit!

As it is known, the island of Zakynthos has unfortunately been struck by severe earthquakes. These events have caused great destructions on the island and the Venetian Castle was no exception. The Venetian Castle had to be rebuilt and restored on several occasions. In 1646, Venetian engineers and local constructors completed the construction of the Fortress and the massive walls. Simultaneously, a stone-paved road from the castle to the coast was constructed. They took care in their work, and used strong materials in the circumstance that earthquakes would strike again.

Later on, it is said that while the British were in control of the island, they carried our work on the castle to preserve it in 1812. More recently, in the early 1970s the Archaeological Department undertook the responsibility to preserve parts of the castle that were in danger of being destroyed. After excavations, archaeologists found valuable monuments dating back to the Byzantine period, including a church that was built in the 12th century.

Today, the magnificence of the Venetian Castle is still visible. Although, it has been worn and torn through the passage of time, you will have the opportunity to see the ancient canons, stone prisons, the gates and much more. Enjoy your day!

Louis Zante Beach Hotel

After visiting the ancient Venetian castle, return to the comfort of the all-inclusive Louis Zante Beach Hotel, where you can unwind by the pool and enjoy the remainder of the day. Lounge on the sun beds, swim in the cooling water, feel the hot sun and enjoy the view of Lagana Beach. Are you hungry and thirsty? Grab a snack and drink at Ionian Pool Bar at Louis Zante Beach Hotel. Enjoy your holiday in Zakynthos at the all-inclusive 4 star Louis Zante Beach Hotel.

Photos by RobW_

