You Attract What You Think About, But Science Says The Opposite Is True

Even Mark Manson is with me on this.

Adnan Aqeel
zany humor
2 min readFeb 1, 2023


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

If you’re a sucker for personal growth, then you cannot skip over this idea — you attract what you think about.

What? You have heard that before million times?


Then hear it once more.

Because, friends… right?

Means a lot.

Positive thinking and personal growth often refer to the premise that “like attracts like.” That is to say… by concentrating your thoughts and energy on positive things, you’ll attract more of the same kinds of experiences and results into your life.

But — in science, it’s the opposite.

You might be familiar with the idea of “similar charges repel each other”. This means that the more positive you’re, the more negative energy you’ll attract.

If you’re a science student and champion facts more than beliefs, then this concept doesn’t seem to be silly. It is a no-brainer, in fact. Are you with me on this? Cool.

I recommend you start thinking negatively as soon as possible since this is the only way to prepare your mind for positive outcomes. This may sound mean initially, but when you contemplate and dive deep into this concept, it will start making sense.

Pay careful attention to self-obsession, selfishness, and envy, these negative energies have the potential to set you free. Be judgemental about others, formulate your opinions about them and when they come to meet you, give them a scary look that leaves a whiplash on their entire existence. Are you people-pleasing? This is high time to reflect on that since it’s all about self-love.

In conclusion, thinking negatively, being judgemental about others, being envious of people making 6-figure, remaining in sheer guilt about what you couldn’t achieve previously, and staying selfish, are the prerequisite to living a fulfilling and happy life, because — science.

This is an interesting concept, no seriously, think about it. Because the more you try to suppress your thoughts, the more they get severe. The more positive affirmations you tell yourself in front of the mirror the more you remind yourself that you are not that person. And the more you accept your flaws and your negative experiences, the more you’ll be set free.

The desire for a more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one’s negative experience is itself a positive experience.

- Mark Manson

Does it make sense? I started this post as a sort of humor but it is getting serious as we are moving forward.

What is your take on this… does positive affirmation really work? Or they don’t work unless you do?

Thank you for your precious time!

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Adnan Aqeel
zany humor

certified procrastinator | writer | humorist | engineer | poet | blogger | it's safe to say that im not a monster