The 15 Words That Describe Bitcoin

Daniel Cawrey
ZapChain Magazine
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2015


An ingenious technology, how do people explain bitcoin in one word?

Bitcoin means a lot of different things to different people.

A lot of that has to do with the fact that the cryptocurrency can be used in different ways.

Among other things, bitcoin is a store of value, a public record and an all-around incredible technological innovation.

We decided to ask the ZapChain community of experts to describe bitcoin in just one word, and here is what they said.


–Ken G. Brook, Vidroll.


–Ryan Dinse, trader.


–Mike Skuthan, cryptocurrency user/miner/enthusiast.


–Noah Berger, entrepreneur, co-founder and CEO of XBTeller.


–Travis Patron, author of ‘The Bitcoin Revolution: An Internet of Money Looking for an Ethereum Mad-scientist’.


–D. James Cooper, entrepreneur.


–Aaron Williams, payments industry veteran.


–Bohan Huang, CDO at the Uro Foundation.


–Sharon Greenberg, CEO and co-founder of Crypto Next.


–Sarah Martin, public affairs and communications professional.


–Terrence Yang, CEO, Yang Ventures


–Bradley Kam, President at Talkable


–Brayton Williams, co-founder at Boost VC.


–Jon Southurst, tech & bitcoin writer.


–Guy Hargreaves, blockchain enthusiast.

…And once again…


–Erin Clay, bitcoin enthusiast.

How would you describe bitcoin in just ONE WORD?

