Daniel Cawrey
ZapChain Magazine
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2015


Roger Ver is an early adopter of bitcoin and has invested in foundational cryptocurrency startups such as BitPay, Blockchain.info and Purse.io.

When we interviewed Roger for the ZapChain Bitcoin Show, we asked him about the low price of bitcoin as of late.

But in Roger’s mind, if bitcoin becomes popular in just one industry it could be worth tens of thousands per every single coin.

This is what he said:

“We’ll compare this to Amazon

Amazon.com grosses $38 billon a year. Assuming a 3% transaction fee, Amazon pays $1 billion a year in credit card transaction fees.

Amazon.com nets $1 billion per year. Amazon could double their profits from doing all their transactions in bitcoin.

If the market cap for bitcoin was $38 billion, each single bitcoin would be worth $5,400.


The online poker market is a $4.8 billion per year industry.

Online gambling will follow poker and is a $30 billion a year industry.

If the market cap for bitcoin was $30 billion, each single bitcoin would be worth $4,300.

Gas Stations

Credit card companies charge gas stations a 2% transaction fee. By eliminating credit card transaction fees, gas station owners could double their profits.

If the US consumes 65 billion gallons of gasoline a year; at $3.66 a gallon, this would be $234 billion going through the bitcoin economy each year.

If the market cap for bitcoin was $234 billion, each single bitcoin would be worth $34,400.

International remittance

In 2007, remittances worldwide totaled $300 billion.

Western Union fees for remittance can run around 4% to 20% or more.

If the market cap for bitcoin was $300 billion, each single bitcoin would be worth $42,000.

The important thing to keep in mind here is it won’t be just gambling. It won’t be just Amazon. It won’t just be gasoline stations.

If it’s any one of those, it’s going to be all of those.

I don’t think it’s any sort of stretch of the imagination to say that very, very realistically each single bitcoin, if bitcoin becomes popular, will have to be worth at least tens of thousands of dollars. If not hundreds of thousands of dollars, for each single bitcoin.

$260 for each single bitcoin seems incredibly cheap compared to that.

That will take some time to build the infrastructure and all the tools that make it easy for all the businesses and mass consumers to use bitcoin around the world.

But it seems pretty darn clear that it’s headed in that direction.”

