Stop What You’re Doing and Start Improving the Bitcoin Community

Matt Schlicht
ZapChain Magazine
Published in
5 min readSep 24, 2014


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The Bitcoin community is full of scammers, trolls, and people with bad intentions.

This is a cancer and we need to get rid of it.

Ok, ok, to be fair the Bitcoin community is also full of awesome intelligent innovators that are passionate and dedicated, but let’s be honest, we’ve all run into that hater or that troll. It’s not productive and it’s not helpful.

To move forward as an industry, we need to start doing a better job at collaborating and sharing information. As far as Bitcoin is concerned, the Bitcoin community is the most important thing in the world.

Why exactly is the Bitcoin community so important?

You may already know this, but just incase, I will tell you right now.

There is no company called “Bitcoin,” we’re the only ones out here doing things. We’re on our own.

Let’s take a look at how Apple works. Sure, they have communities, and those communities are important, but in the end that new iPhone is being invented and perfected by an Apple employee and not a random Apple fanboy talking on a forum.

This is not how Bitcoin works. It can’t.

Why? There simply is no Bitcoin company. People working on Bitcoin are spread out all around the world. Completely distributed.

Bitcoin has created a situation that has never happened before. There is the software and currency and then there is us, the people. We are on our own, left to figure out what to do with Bitcoin and how to evolve with it. It’s almost as if Bitcoin is a new element and we can’t do anything but acknowledge that it is there, innovate with it, and start incorporating it into our daily lives. If we don’t do it, nobody will, and it, and all it’s potential, will die (ie. bringing most of the world out of poverty, for starters).

These are the most popular Bitcoin communities right now.


Reddit is a collection of thousands of communities, from cats to world history, Reddit has it all. There are over 100,000 people on Reddit specifically sharing links about Bitcoin.

Pros: The community has the ability to vote up and down content so that, in theory, the best content gets to the top. It’s one of the best places to see new Bitcoin content all the time.

Cons: Reddit doesn’t focus just on companies and discussions, there is an entire subculture that can take some getting used to. Not only that, but a lot of people in the Reddit Bitcoin community are negative and often not welcoming to new people.


BitcoinTalk is a forum dedicated to all things Bitcoin and crypto currency. With millions of page views a month, BitcoinTalk is one of the most popular watering holes for the Bitcoin industry.

Pros: There are a lot of people on BitcoinTalk actively working on innovations in the digital currency space.

Cons: BitcoinTalk’s subculture is even more difficult to understand and the users tend to be highly negative and sometimes even straight up scammy (half of the projects being organized on BitcoinTalk don’t exactly have the consumer’s best interest in mind).

Today’s Bitcoin communities are broken.

How are they broken? I will explain:

1. It can be very difficult to figure out which information being shared is true and which is not.

So many people on the internet say so many different things! Have you ever tried to research something and then found a ton of people saying opposing things? That’s the Bitcoin community, all the time.

2. It is hard to determine which people have good intentions and which ones don’t.

With so many people in the world, you are bound to run into people who may try to take advantage of you and others. It can be very scary.

So what are we doing about it? How do we solve these problems?

  1. Focus on being welcoming and informative.
  2. Call out trolls and scammers to protect the rest of the community.
  3. Cheer on the people doing awesome things with Bitcoin.

I believe we can come together as a community and improve.

We have created a Bitcoin community that is focused on high quality content and rewarding those who contribute positively.

Introducing ZapChain.

ZapChain is 100% focused on encouraging quality content, collaboration, and supporting anyone who is being a positive force in the community.

At least one person from every major Bitcoin company is already on ZapChain.

So, what can you do on ZapChain?

  1. You can ask questions to the Bitcoin community, and you get amazing answers.
  2. You can provide your own opinion and insights.
  3. You can share and discuss Bitcoin news, companies, and content.

If you desire to be a part of a Bitcoin community focused on being welcoming, intelligent, insightful, and positive, we would absolutely love for you to join us on ZapChain.

Click here to sign up for ZapChain.



Matt Schlicht
ZapChain Magazine

Building and writing about AI as CEO/engineer at Octane AI . Scout for Boost VC's $90mil sci-fi fund. Alum: Ustream, YC, Forbes 30 Under 30 x 2.