The Secret To Growing The Virtual Reality Industry

Matt Schlicht
ZapChain Magazine
Published in
4 min readApr 15, 2015


I will tell you how to inspire the world to enter the metaverse.

I have helped grow massive startups, celebrities like Lil Wayne, and the bitcoin industry.

Being passionate about virtual reality is like knowing a fantastic secret.

It’s actually amazing. It’s like knowing you can blow someone’s mind 100% of the time. No matter what.

You’d think at this point everyone would already know about virtual reality. This doesn’t appear to be the case though.

There are still a lot of people in the world who think virtual reality doesn’t work, or they haven’t even heard about it yet.

How can you blame them though?

The concept that you can enter a matrix-like environment, whenever you want, doesn’t sound realistic at all. That sounds like a dream. Literally.

We need people to be inspired about virtual reality.

We need inventors, engineers, artists, marketers, gamers, and more, to start innovating with this technology. This is how the industry will accelerate faster.

How to Inspire People to Learn About Virtual Reality

I will tell you how to do this right now, and it’s super simple.

1. Blog About Your Virtual Reality Experiences

Blogging may seem daunting at first, but it’s actually not that bad. Sign up for a Medium account, start a new post, and just start writing about something that you love about virtual reality.

“But Matt! I don’t know what to write about, nobody cares what I think!”

Wrong! Don’t think like this, it’s a trap. You have experienced things that others haven’t. You have perceptions that others don’t. You have something to share.

Write about why you are passionate about virtual reality, about how it can change the world, about how it made you feel the first time you tried it.

2. Join a Virtual Reality Company or Startup

Virtual reality is a fast growing industry. Maybe it hasn’t hit mainstream yet, and maybe your family doesn’t know what it is, but there are definitely fast growing virtual reality companies that are hiring now.

Developers, hardware tinkerers, evangelists, marketers, content creators… the list of potential careers in virtual reality goes on and on.

How do you find a job in virtual reality? This is what I would do:

  1. Check out job listings for virtual reality companies on AngelList.
  2. Follow virtual reality blogs (UploadVR and RoadToVR) and reach out to companies you like.

If you choose this option, you’ll be at the forefront of the virtual reality revolution.

3. Actively Share Virtual Reality Content

There is a tremendous amount of awesome virtual reality content. Videos, images, gifs, podcasts, articles, and more. It’s literally non stop.

When you see something awesome, something that excites you, take a second to send the link to a friend or share it on social media.

It may seem like everyone in the world already knows about virtual reality and how awesome it is, but this isn’t actually the case. Sharing incredible content about virtual reality is maybe one of the most effective to inspire the people around you to start engaging with this new technology.

4. Contribute Quotes to Articles About Virtual Reality

I have written a tremendous amount of articles about bitcoin, product, and marketing. It’s not out of the ordinary for these posts to get 20,000 to 40,000 views.

I’m now going to be writing articles, at least for a bit, about virtual reality. My goal is to inspire new people about the possibilities of virtual reality, and help explain to them how it can change the world.

If you are passionate about virtual reality I would absolutely love to quote you in these articles.

I am posting my questions using ZapChain so that I can verify who I am quoting + I can send you some bitcoins to show you my appreciation for contributing to my articles.

These are the questions I need answers for:

I will be using the best answers as quotes in my articles.

  1. What are the most exciting use cases for virtual reality?
  2. What is your go-to VR demo to show people who have never been in the metaverse what it is like?
  3. How do I film video that can be experience in virtual reality?
  4. What virtual reality related websites do you visit regularly? Where do you get your virtual reality news?

I love virtual reality, and I can’t wait to see how it changes the world.

If you’d like to chat more, or if you have any question, click here to reach out to me on Twitter. I’d love to chat.

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Matt Schlicht
ZapChain Magazine

Building and writing about AI as CEO/engineer at Octane AI . Scout for Boost VC's $90mil sci-fi fund. Alum: Ustream, YC, Forbes 30 Under 30 x 2.