Introduction to Zapier Tables (with AI!)

Zapier Tables example with lead capture, management, and AI lead scoring using OpenAI assistant.

It's AI Thomas
Zapier AI Automation
9 min readApr 13, 2024


by It's AI Thomas
Saturday, 13 April 2024

In this quick guide, I’ll walk you through how to use Zapier Tables to a) capture leads on your website, b) forward them to your Zapier Table, and c) let OpenAI assistant score your leads based on the fields they have provided in the web form.

For those who enjoy watching videos rather than reading, I’ve also made a short video explaining and showing you everything that you need to know:

Creating a Zapier Table

  • Firstly, navigate to the ‘Tables’ on the left panel of the Zapier dashboard.
Zapier Tables
  • Use the “+Create” button to choose from templates or start with a blank table.
  • You can also upload a file like CSV or Excel by clicking on the “Import data” button.
Creating a Zapier Table and importing data to a Zapier Table

How to Edit a Zapier Table

  • To edit the name of the columns, double-click on the column header name.
  • If you want to add a new column, click on the blue circle button on the right side “Add new field”.
Adding a new column (field) to a Zapier Table
  • “Fields” in Zapier Tables represent “Columns”.
  • If you want to edit the column properties, click once on the column header and click on “Edit field”.
Editing your columns in Zapier Tables
  • A panel on the right side shows and you can edit your field (column) characteristics, such as: name, field type, alignment, and icon.
  • You can also delete the field (column) by clicking on “Delete this field”.
Zapier Table column name, field type, alignment, icon, and deleting the column (field)

3 Ways How to Start an Automation from a Zapier Table

1) The first way to start automation from your Zapier Table is to click on the dark blue rectangle button in the upper right corner saying: “+Create”.

Creating an automation from Zapier Tables

2) The second way is to click on the orange button in the lower right corner saying: “Automate”.

Starting the automation from a Zapier Table

3) The third way how to start automation directly from your Zapier Table is to click on “Linked assets” on the left panel and under “Zaps” you can click on the dark blue button “+Create”.

Using Linked Assets to start an automation from a Zapier Table
  • Remember that whatever you choose to start your automation, you will see the same options after, prompting you to choose whether you want to a) bring data in, b) send data out, c) modify data, or d) start from scratch.
Bring data in, send data about, modify data, or start from scratch (starting a Zap from a Zapier Table)
  • I prefer to “Start from scratch” as you will have full control over the apps.
  • If you are a total beginner, try the other options, for example by clicking on the “Bring data in”, your Zap will be auto-populated with a Zapier Table app and the right event.

Creating OpenAI Assistant for Lead Scoring

  • In the example below, you will see how to perform AI lead scoring using Zapier Tables.
  • For this, we will need to create an OpenAI assistant that we can later retrieve directly in Zapier.

a) Log into OpenAI

  • Visit the OpenAI platform and sign in.
  • In the dashboard, locate and click on “Assistants.”
Creating an OpenAI Assistant on

b) Create a Lead Scoring Assistant

  • Click on the “+Create” button in the upper right corner.
Creating a new OpenaI Assistant
  • Name it (e.g., Lead Scoring Asisstant).

Here are the instructions for this specific AI assistant scoring your leads:

Context: (You are a lead generation specialist at {Your Company name} who scores leads with a score between 0-100. You are using different variables to determine the lead score for the specific lead.)
Details: (Don't write any text before or after the lead score. You only write down the final lead score between (including) 0-100. A score of 0 is the lowest lead score, indicating the lead is a poor match for our service and unlikely to result in a sale. A score of 100 is the highest lead score, indicating the lead is an excellent match for our service and highly likely to result in a sale.)

It’s a little different to write effective instructions for your OpenAI assistant, so if you want to know how to write them and leverage different parameters like prompt engineers do, get my totally FREE no-junk 3P framework here that will save you time and money.

c) Choose a Model

  • Select the newer AI model you wish to use.
  • You can identify newly launched and tested models by looking at the numbers after the name of the model (for example gpt-3.5-turbo-0125, was tested and launched on the 1st of January).
  • However, in this case, I recommend going with the GPT4 “Turbo” model (gpt-4-turbo-preview). You will also not run into problems when the model with the numbers at the end is suddenly depreciated which can happen.

Note that you must choose a model that enables you to upload files to your assistant. This is, for example, the “gpt-4-turbo-preview”. You want to also upload file because you want to give ChatGPT assistant as much context about your business as possible, so it knows how to score the leads properly. This will result in better and more accurate lead scoring.

d) Enable Tools

  • Activate tools like “Code Interpreter” and “Retrieval” to enhance functionality, such as file uploads.
  • The “Retrieval” function enables the assistant to read files you upload.
  • Once a file is uploaded, the assistant automatically decides when to retrieve content based on user requests.

Thus, if you want to upload additional information about your company, features, FAQ, description, pricing to help the AI with more context for the lead scoring, you MUST enable this tool.

e) Upload Files and Create The Knowledge Base

  • Create a file that will include an overview of your business, including descriptions, FAQs, and more, to help the AI score your leads.
  • After you’ve activated the “Retrieval” function (I recommend activating both, even the “Code interpreter” function), you should attach a file as your last step by clicking on the “Add” icon.
OpenAI assistant settings with name, instructions, model, and tools

f) Save and Test

  • After configuring, save your assistant.
  • Use the “Playground” button to ensure it operates as expected (for example, you can give it lead info example to see whether it scores the lead).
Testing your OpenAI assistant on a “Playground”
  • Done! You’ve successfully created your OpenAI assistant that will score your leads for you and you can now retrieve it in Zapier!

Zapier Table Lead Generation Example

Firstly, you will need to collect leads on your website. This can be done using Hubspot.

Hubspot Trigger for New Form Submissions

  • Click on “Start from scratch” or start a completely new Zap as you are used to.
  • Make sure you submit a test lead on your Hubspot form before, so you can also test the whole workflow as you go.
Hubspot from standard Contact Us form example
  • In Zapier, choose Hubspot as your app and trigger the flow with an event called “New form submission”.
Hubspot trigger with a new form submission
  • Specify the name of the form you have embedded on your website using Hubspot forms.
Choosing the exact form as the data source for your Zapier Table

Create Record in Zapier Tables

  • As your first action after your trigger, search for the app called “Zapier Tables”.
  • Choose “Create Record” as your event.
Zapier Table app in a Zap
  • In the “Table ID” field, choose the table in which you want the leads to be forwarded (thus, you must have at least one Zapier Table created).
  • Map out all the dynamic fields from your Hubspot trigger in the appropriate fields (columns).
Adding dynamic variables from the trigger to a specific Zapier Table ID

Retrieving OpenAI Assistant for Lead Scoring

  • As your next action, look for the “ChatGPT” app.
  • As an event, choose “Conversation with assistant” (you will be able to call the assistant you have created before).
ChatGPT Conversation with the Assistant event
  • In the message field, write down the prompt that you send to your OpenAI assistant to answer.
  • Here is a prompt you can copy and paste:
Email with the domain: {Insert the email address as a dynamic variable from your trigger}
Company name: {Insert the company name as a dynamic variable from your trigger}
The message that the lead has left: {Insert the message as a dynamic variable from your trigger}
Industry: {Insert the industry as a dynamic variable from your trigger}
Region: {Insert the Country as a dynamic variable from your trigger}
Details: (Don't write any text before of after the lead score. Don't explain how you calculated the lead score.)
Based on the information about the prospect, determine the lead score of the lead.

It’s a little different to write effective instructions for your AI automations in Zapier, so if you want to know how to write them and leverage different parameters like prompt engineers do, get my totally FREE no-junk 3P framework here that will save you time and money.

  • Remember to use the dynamic variables (form fields) you collect in your Hubspot form in the prompt.
  • The more data you collect on the form, the better the OpenAI assistant will be able to score your leads!
  • Next, in the “Assistant” field, choose the assistant you have created before on
ChatGPT message and OpenAI assistant retrieval in Zapier
  • In the “Conversation ID” field, choose a unique identifier, so that the OpenAI assistant remembers prior conversations about this specific lead.
  • You can choose the “Record ID” dynamic variable from the previous step where you used Zapier Tables as the app.
Conversation ID for the OpenAI assistant
  • All other fields can stay empty, as you have already trained your OpenAI assistant on OpenAI's website.

Update Record in Zapier Tables

  • Search for the “Zapier Tables” app again.
  • In the event field, choose “Update record”.
Updating a record in a Zapier Table
  • In the “Table ID” choose the table you want to update with the lead score.
  • In the “Record ID” field, place the dynamic variable called “Record ID” (it's a dynamic variable from the Zapier Table app you have used).
Updating the record in a Zapier table with a Table ID and Record ID
  • Make sure you have a column named “Lead Score” or similar.
  • Allocate the dynamic variable called “Full response” to the field “Lead Score” (or whatever name you have given your column).
Inserting the OpenAI assistant full response dynamic variable into the Zapier Table
  • Test your Zap, and see whether the lead score that the OpenAI assistant calculated (based on the web form fields + knowledge base) was successfully passed to your Zapier Table.
The final result of your automation. Your leads are stored in a Zapier Table while also being scored using AI!
  • And just like that, you are DONE!

I hope this was helpful, and if it was, please follow and clap for more AI automation tutorials.

You can get this whole automation template with my 53+ other AI automation templates here.

😉➡️ My resources that will help you save time, money, and headaches:

