Let ChatGPT talk to your leads in Hubspot

How to automate communication with your leads in your Hubspot CRM with Zapier and ChatGPT

It's AI Thomas
Zapier AI Automation


by It’s AI Thomas
Fri 29 Sep 2023

Wouldn't it be great if you could let ChatGPT read the messages our leads leave on your “Contact Us” forms and let it craft a perfect response to the inquiry?

In this short guide, I'll walk you through the process of connecting HubSpot with ChatGPT using Zapier to automatically respond to customer inquiries submitted through website forms.

For those who enjoy watching videos rather than reading, I have also made a short video explaining the whole process:


Or, what you will need to set up for this to work:

  • A HubSpot account.
  • Hubspot forms created and embedded on your website.
  • A Zapier account.

Step-by-Step Guide

Below, you will find 8 steps to go through to set this up.

I will show you this on a real business example (popups builder software collecting “Contact Us” leads) so you understand the concept.

Final workflow (Zap) to build

1. Creating a Test Lead in HubSpot

  • Navigate to your HubSpot account.
  • Go to the ‘Contact Us’ form on your website.
  • Fill out the form with a test lead. For instance, “Hi, I’m interested in your service. I’d like to know more about Popupsland and the pricing options you offer.”
  • Submit the form and ensure it appears in your HubSpot account.
Creating a test lead in our Hubspot “Contact Us” form

2. Setting Up Zapier

  • Go to Zapier and click on ‘Create Zap’.
  • For the trigger, search and select ‘HubSpot’.
  • Choose the event ‘New Form Submission’.
  • Connect your HubSpot account to Zapier by providing the necessary login details.
  • Specify the form you want to track, in this case, ‘Contact Us’.
  • Test the trigger to ensure it fetches the recent lead from HubSpot.
Testing the Hubspot connection and finding the test lead

Watch the video for more details on how you can connect Hubspot with Zapier in 2 different ways.

3. Setting Up ChatGPT Block for Email Content

  • In Zapier, add an action and search for ‘ChatGPT’.
  • Choose the event ‘Conversation’.
  • Connect your ChatGPT account.
  • In the ‘User Message’ section, set up your prompt. Use the 3P framework and create your parameters. This will guide ChatGPT on how to craft the response. For instance:

Context: (You are a friendly customer service for a popups builder business called Popupsland. You need to help to answer any inquiries that the potential customers have and that are sent out through our contact us form. Popupsland is the first web-based app that enables companies to create, customize and place carbon reduction popups on their websites. By leveraging the power of Popupsland, businesses can create highly engaging and interactive carbon-offsetting popups that capture the attention of their website visitors and encourage them to take action. Whether they are looking to collect leads, boost engagement, gather valuable feedback from customers, or are in need to become a greener business while achieving different marketing objectives, Popupsland offers 27+ different pre-built popups to help them achieve these goals. Popupsland offers a free trial where you get to try the app for 7 days for free. Popupsland offers 4 different pricing options. The first cheapest one is “Eco Basic” priced at $41.65 a month with 6,800kg carbon dioxide/year and 20,000 popup impressions/month. The second cheapest plan is “Environmentally Lite” priced at $58.33 a month with 9,800kg carbon dioxide/year and 80,000 popup impressions/month. The third cheapest plan is “Responsible Standard” priced at $99.99 a month with 14,200kg carbon dioxide/year and 180,000 popup impressions/month. The most expensive package is “Green Pro” priced at $199.99 a month with 30,200kg carbon dioxide/year and 400,000 popup impressions/month.)
Details: (Don’t write “ “ in your answer. Don’t write any text before or after the email. Write down a signature at the end of the email and sign it as Thomas from Popupsland).
Answer this inquiry: {1. Message from Hubspot}

User message (the prompt) in your ChatGPT action
  • Set the ‘Assistant Instructions’ to “You are a helpful customer support agent”.
  • Choose the model ‘GPT 3.5 Turbo’.
  • Set a memory key to remember prior conversations and keep the output of ChatGPT consistent.
  • Lastly, test the action to ensure ChatGPT generates the desired email content.
User name, assistant name, instructions and memory key in Zapier

4. Generating a Subject Line with ChatGPT

  • Add another action in Zapier and search for ‘ChatGPT’.
  • Choose the event ‘Conversation’.
  • In the ‘User Message’, instruct ChatGPT to create a subject line for the email.
  • Use the previously generated email content as input.
  • Test the action to ensure ChatGPT creates a suitable subject line.
Generating a subject line for our email

5. Alternative: AI by Zapier + ChatGPT

  • Instead of manually writing all the details about your business and pricing in your prompt, you can use the built-in “AI by Zapier” app.
  • Add your URL pages in the action.
  • Set up different questions/prompts for each URL. Separate them by commas.
  • This allows AI to be trained based on the data on your landing pages, ensuring no important details are missed.
  • You then use the variable including all of the answers as your database for creating the email and after that the subject line as shown in the steps before.
AI by Zapier
  • If you are interested in using AI by Zapier and knowing how it works, I have used it to build an AI chatbot directly inside my Facebook page messenger, you can watch the tutorial here.

5. Sending the Email

  • Add another action and search for your email provider (e.g., Gmail).
  • Choose the event ‘Send Email’.
“Send Email” in Zapier
  • Fill in the necessary details:

Subject: Use the subject line generated by ChatGPT.

To: Use the email from the form submission.

Body: Use the email content generated by ChatGPT.

  • Test the action to ensure the email is sent correctly.
Email test with the ChatGPT output

6. Alternative: Creating a Draft

  • Instead of sending the email immediately, you can choose the event ‘Create Draft’ in your email provider action.
  • This allows you to review the email before sending it.
“Create Draft” in Zapier

7. Finalizing the Zap

  • Name your Zap (e.g., “HubSpot_ContactUs_Gmail_ChatGPT”).
  • Click ‘Publish’ to activate the Zap.
Final workflow (Zap)

8. Testing the Entire Process

  • Submit another form on your website.
  • Check your email to see if the automated response is sent.

By integrating HubSpot, ChatGPT, and Zapier, your business can automate its customer inquiry responses.

Remember to always test your automations to ensure they work as expected.

All helpful links:

My own FREE, no-junk resources: https://bit.ly/itsaithomas

Zapier: https://zapier.com/
Hubspot: https://www.hubspot.com/
OpenAI: https://openai.com/



It's AI Thomas
Zapier AI Automation

👋 I help you automate your business processes (with Zapier and AI)! My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@itsaithomas/videos