“Maximizing Your Credit Potential: A Step-by-Step Guide for First-Time Credit Users to Improve Their Score

Start Building Today!

Tanmay Dev
3 min readFeb 7, 2023


A credit score is a numerical representation of your “creditworthiness”. It is determined by a credit reporting agency which uses your credit history to determine a score for you.

A good credit score is essential for accessing loans, credit cards, and favorable interest rates.

For first-time credit users, establishing a good credit score can seem like an exhausting task, but it’s a crucial step in establishing a strong financial future. “Importance of Building a credit Score”.

Here’s how you can create and maintain a good credit score as a first-time credit user.

  1. Check your credit report: Before you start improving your credit score, you need to know where you stand. You can get a free credit report from the four major credit reporting agencies in India: Equifax, Experian, TransUnion and CRIF.
  2. Start with a secured credit card: For the people who do not have a credit score, a secured credit card is a great option for first-time credit users.
    You provide a cash deposit as collateral, and your credit limit is usually equal to the deposit amount.
    Making timely payments on a secured credit card can help build a positive credit history.
  3. Become an authorized user: If you have a family member or close friend with a good credit history, you can become an authorized user on their credit card. This means you can use the credit card, and the payments will show up on your credit report as well.
    You will have to contact the respective credit crd provider to understand more about the risks and regulations of this method.
  4. Pay your credit card bills on time: Late payments can have a significant impact on your credit score. Make sure to pay all your bills on time, including credit card bills, loans, and utility bills.
  5. Keep credit card balances low: Utilisation of 100% of the amount sanctioned to you on your credit card can affect negatively on your credit score. A rule of thumb is to utilize 30% of the credit sanctioned to you at a time (unless there is an urgent need of it).
  6. Limit new credit applications: Every time you apply for credit card or a loan, it shows up as an inquiry on your credit report. Too many inquiries can lower your credit score, so limit the number of credit applications you make.
  7. Monitor your credit report regularly: Regularly monitoring your credit report helps you keep track of any errors or fraudulent activity. You can also catch any potential problems early, giving you time to address them.
  8. Don’t close old credit card accounts: Closing old credit card accounts can reduce the amount of available credit you have, which can lower your credit score, if you are already utilising a significant part of it. Keep your old credit card accounts open, even if you’re not using them.
  9. Use credit responsibly: It’s important to use credit responsibly from the start. Make sure to keep your balances low and pay your bills on time to avoid damaging your credit score.

In conclusion, creating and maintaining a good credit score is a crucial part of financial management. By following these simple steps, first-time credit users can establish and maintain a good credit score, which will open doors to a variety of financial opportunities.

To start building credit score in an affordable way, visit us at ZapMoney. And we can help you start building your new financial altitude.

