Sam Tolomei
Published in
4 min readOct 21, 2022


Hi All,

I am following up on our October 5th post, announcing Zapper API transitioning to a free, monthly quota for API use & paid plans for Zapper API beyond that, with more details, including how to purchase points, how to monitor your API usage, and announcement about v2/transactions endpoint.

As a quick reminder, here is the TL;DR of what is changing:

  • Effective November 1st, 2022, all API usage will be measured on a “points” system
  • Queries of v2/balances endpoint cost 7 points per wallet; all other Zapper API queries cost 1 point per wallet
  • Each API user will receiving a 10,000 free points at the start of each month (equivalent of 10,000 queries)
  • If your API needs for a given month exceed the 10,000 free points, you will need to purchase additional points from Zapper, or else you will not be able to continue querying until you receive the following month’s 10,000 credit quota. See how to purchase points below.

If you do not exceed 10,000 points worth of queries in a given month, then nothing changes for you.

Note that the majority of API users do not currently exceed the 10,000 points per month threshold. This is intentional, as we want to continue to support the web3 ecosystem’s burgeoning projects and folks’ hobbyist work. However, we do have real costs to support our APIs, and want to invest in them further, so we are introducing API monetization to support this product line.

Cost breakdown for queries and purchasing points

Here is a breakdown of how points purchasing will work; the more you buy in bulk, the larger the discount, as credits do not expire for 12 months:

Points cost per query:

For full details on pricing, please see this link.

How to purchase API points

  • To start your points purchase, fill out this form
  • Please note how many points you want to purchase, your API key, and an email address we can reach you at
  • We will then respond to you with an invoice for your purchase and instructions on how to pay on-chain (via USDC on Polygon) or off-chain (via credit card or bank transfer)
  • Once the payment is complete / settled on-chain, your API account will be credited with the points

Monitoring your API points usage & remaining points:

If you are unsure what your current volume of API usage is, or want to ensure Zapper is seeing the same data you are, we are rolling out a dashboard for you

>>API usage dashboard found here<<

In the Dashboard, you will find:

  • Your API usage by endpoint by status code
  • API usage and cost in API points over time
  • Purchase history of API points (including the monthly quota tranches received)
  • Points remaining

Some notes on the dashboard:

  • You’ll need to request access to it initially; I approve the access, so feel free to email me ( if you have issues
  • To use the dashboard, just paste the first 8 characters of your API key into the box in the top right corner. For example, if your API key is aa11bb22-cccc-1111–2222-dddd55dddd, you’d just paste aa11bb22 into the top right box. Once done, data for your API key usage should populate
  • For the October data, you’ll see that you have a negative balance of points; that is expected for October, as you will receive your 10,000 credits on November 1st
  • The data in the dashboard goes back to Oct 8th, 2022. If you’re interested data prior to that relating to API usage, please reach out to me
  • I’m definitely open for feedback on the dashboard, so feel free to reach out with any ideas!

Other announcement: deprecating of v2/transactions endpoint

We are marking the v2/transaction endpoint for deprecation, though will not disable it. We will just be removing it from documentation and will not support questions relating to it.

Any queries made to v2/transactions endpoint WILL NOT cost points going forward; this endpoint will remain free

We are deprecating this endpoint because we do not control the underlying product, and therefore do not feel comfortable charging users for it nor supporting it long-term

  • For context, the v2/transactions endpoint is just an aggregation of 7 different network scanners (e.g. etherscan, BSC scan, Fantom scan, etc.)
  • Each scanner’s API has different rate limits & performance, with some of them being super low. Therefore, we cannot guarantee performance for users, nor can we dig into any issues that users run into when using it. Plus, we’re not adding any value; we’re just aggregating other APIs
  • If you are using the v2/transactions endpoint, we recommend you instead integrate with the relevant network scanners directly. They all offer free tiers with pretty generous RPMs.

We do plan to introduce our own transaction history endpoint in the future, which will integrate coherently with our existing data, but the timing is TBD (likely December or later). We will keep the v2/transactions endpoint available until then, at which point we will announce a plan to sunset that endpoint

We have also gone ahead and added API schema documentation for all endpoints to our docs, found here.

Please reach out with any questions you may have, or if you wish to purchase points.



