Zapper Product Update #10: Spring is Coming.

Published in
5 min readApr 20, 2022

Things move quickly in web3. To help our community stay on top of the latest developments at Zapper, we share regular product updates that recap Zapper’s newest features, protocol integrations, and upcoming initiatives.

This product update has status reports on upcoming releases that will make Zapper more accessible to web3 participants and developers alike: the iOS Mobile App and Zapper Studio. This update also introduces yet another ambitious project we’ve been working on, which is the Zapper Learn app page! As always, this update also recap all of our recent protocol integrations and catch you up on the latest community developments.

Release 1: The Zapper iOS Mobile App

General Availability

The testing phase for our iOS mobile app is now behind us, and the app has been prepped along with all required documentation. We are just waiting on final approvals. This means that the Zapper iOS Mobile App should be available for everyone to download very soon!

Keep an eye on our channels over the next several days for the official launch announcement.

Thank You Beta TestOOOoors!

The beta testing period officially wrapped up early today. We could not have put together such a top-quality mobile app without all of the bug reports and valuable feedback we received from our beta testers. Thank you to everyone who participated!

AR Competition

Now that the beta testing phase is coming to an end, the AR Competition has also wrapped up. Between Twitter and Discord, we had almost 150 submissions for the competition. The Zapper team had so much fun seeing the creative videos submitted by beta testers, and we will be selecting 3 winners.

To judge the submissions, we will take into consideration the placement of the NFT & any caption that was included with the post. The funnier, the better! Stay tuned for an announcement of the winners in the next few days.

Wen Android?

We are working hard on the Android version of the app, which should be ready in a few months. We really appreciate the patience of the Android users in our community. We know you must have a lot of FOMO right now, and we are doing our very best to make sure that FOMO does not have to last too long.

Release 2: Zapper Studio

Zapper Studio will enable anyone in our community to build an integration on Zapper themselves. This means you won’t have to wait for us to integrate your favorite protocol; with Studio, you’ll have everything you need to get your project set up on Zapper.

We are opening up Zapper Studio to some community members & builders this week, and we are looking forward to hearing their feedback on this feature.

We’ve been working on this for quite a while, and we believe making the integration process more efficient for builders is the best way to grow alongside the rapidly expanding web3 ecosystem.

Join Discord to #build-on-zapper!

In our Discord server, we have created a new channel called #build-on-zapper. If you contribute to a protocol community and think Zapper Studio sounds exciting, you can get in touch with the team members in charge of this feature in that channel.

You can also feel free to DM Sam, who is leading Zapper Studio, on Discord at 0xSamIAm#2121. Seriously! Reach out. We want to make sure this interface meets (and ideally exceeds) the needs of our community, so we would love to hear from you.

Release 3: App Pages on Zapper Learn

Our third ambitious project released this month are new app pages on Zapper Learn, where you can go to get the 4–1–1 on a particular protocol before interacting with it on our dashboard. Imagine a website that is an encyclopedia for every protocol in the web3 ecosystem. That is what we aim to curate with these Zapper Learn app pages.

Check out our first two entries on Aave and Alchemix to get a glimpse of what we’re aiming for.

Help us Expand App Pages on Zapper Learn

We will be sourcing content for these pages in a few ways. First, we’re working with the Zapper Studio team to implement a process where builders can integrate their protocol with our dashboard AND have the option to have information about their protocol uploaded on Zapper Learn as well. Second, we continue to work with Layer 3 to outsource content creation for Learn, including the app pages! Check out our Layer 3 Community Page to check what bounties are available.

Finally, since we’re looking to populate our encyclopedia as fast as possible, we want to hear from protocol experts everywhere. If there’s a particular protocol you want to help get up on Zapper Learn, reach out to @llpresswell on Twitter!

Protocol Integrations

As a part of the process to build Zapper Studio, we made some big changes to how protocols are integrated with Zapper. As a result, we’ve been rolling out new integrations at a very quick pace this month! Here is a list of everything we’ve integrated recently:

  • Solidex on Fantom
  • Eden on Ethereum
  • Enzyme Finance on Ethereum
  • LooksRare on Ethereum
  • Aelin on Optimism
  • Lyra on Optimism
  • Stargate on Arbitrum, Avalanche, Binance, Ethereum, Optimism and Polygon
  • Synapse on Arbitrum, Avalanche, Binance, Ethereum, Optimism and Polygon
  • Alchemix v2 on Ethereum
  • Aave v3 on Polygon, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Fantom, Harmony and Optimism

Community Updates

Reminder: April Community Call

Community Calls continue to be a highlight for our core team. This week will be the first community call hosted by our Community Manager Apple!

The next call takes place TOMORROW, Thursday April 21, at 10:00am EST (14:00 UTC) in Discord. Join us to talk about what’s new at Zapper, hear from our newest terminators, and get the latest alpha before anyone else.

To ensure you never miss out on a Zapper event, you can subscribe to our Community event calendar by importing the following URL into a calendar app:

What’s Next?

Our team is focused on launching the iOS Mobile app, getting Zapper Studio up and running, and populating the Zapper Learn app pages. After that, we have several cool NFT related features that we are preparing to release, and we are continuing to expand our team so we can deliver on our ambitious roadmap.

