Zapper Product Update #13: A Month of V2, plus Android Beta

Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2022

Things move quickly in web3. To help our community stay on top of the latest developments at Zapper, we share regular product updates that recap Zapper’s newest features, app integrations, and upcoming initiatives.

Since our last product update on June 22, we stealth-launched Zapper V2 during our June Community Call, our Android mobile app entered its beta-testing phase, and we integrated XX new DeFi apps through Zapper Studio.

This product update will dig into each of these exciting developments, and spoiler alert, our CEO Seb Audet has already leaked a bit about what we’re working on next!

Zapper V2: Launched & Loaded… with Tons of Data to Explore in NFTs, DAOs, and DeFi.

With the launch of V2, Zapper has evolved to be a powerful web3 search and exploration tool. We surface blockchain data and translate it into relatable information, engaging information that anyone can read. Our dashboard now maps connections between NFTs, DeFi apps, DAOs, your portfolio, and other accounts, making it easier than ever to explore all kinds of different web3 rabbit holes.

Using blockchain data to uncover the truth and navigate web3 can reveal opportunities for people to create value for themselves and others that have never existed before. We built Zapper V2 because we wanted to make these opportunities accessible for as many people as possible.

Zapper’s Android App is in Beta!

As of this week, beta testing for our Android App is well underway. Beta access was provided to all Zapper NFT holders, and participants are currently helping us fine-tune the app to make sure it is picture perfect when we release.

We know it’s been a long wait for Android users in our community, and we are very excited to be able to share the app with you! Stay tuned for a launch announcement in the next few weeks 😎

Zapper Studio

The Studio Team and our community builders have been in the Studio churning out integrations, so we have a huge list of new apps that you can explore on Zapper. Since June 22, we integrated 36 new apps!

If you are interested in integrating your favorite app, all you need is to know some javascript and typescript to get started. When you are ready to begin an integration, follow our step-by-step how-to documentation, check out our open Github repo, and ask any questions you may have in our dedicated integration channel on Discord.

New & Updated Integrations on Zapper

Here are the latest app integrations that are now live on Zapper:

Community Updates

Reminder: August Community Call

We’re excited to connect with you all tomorrow at our monthly community call. In the call, we will be discussing V2, talk about our experience post-launch, and share a bit about what improvements we’ll be making in the near-term. We will also give a mobile update, and there’s bound to be a few teasers for new projects we’re working on 👀

Join us in Discord TOMORROW, Thursday August 25, at 10:00 EST (14:00 UTC) in Discord.

To ensure you never miss out on a Zapper event, you can subscribe to our Community event calendar by importing the following URL into a calendar app:

What’s Next?

Look. You might have thought we’d chill out on big updates or humongous leaks now that we’ve launched V2… but that’s very much not how we roll.

Last week, our Terminator-in-Chief tweeted a preview of what we’re working on now that V2 is out in the world. It’s a big one.

We are thrilled about this. More details will be released (likely in a steady trickle from Seb’s Twitter ) over the coming months, so be sure to follow him and @zapper_fi to make sure you don’t miss out!

