Zapper Product Update #16: Support for bridged NFTs, Activity Graph, Fantom token holder metrics and more!

Nathalia Montenegro
Published in
5 min readNov 23, 2022

Things move quickly in web3. To help our community stay on top of the latest developments at Zapper, we share regular product updates that recap Zapper’s newest features, app integrations, and upcoming initiatives.

Our last product update covered that we now support NFTs on Arbitrum and Optimism, the expansion of the mobile app exploration features, updates on our API consume and more!

This month we cover some smol but important updates, while our team is fully focused on getting the Zapper experience more and more solid, reliable and faster!

We now support optimism bridged NFTs, we have a new activity graph for NFT floor prices, and we also now support token holder metrics on Fantom!

Studio has integrated 10 dApps and updated some other 7.

We have quite some news to share about our community and more opportunities for you to engage and explore together!

No more talking, let’s go!

Zapper NFTs

Support NFTs bridged on Optimism

Good news for the NFTs traders and collectors!

Recently Optimism announced that users can trade Ethereum NFTs on Optimism, using the NFT bridge from Quix, the largest NFT marketplace on Optimism.

Zapper now supports those bridged NFTs. If you bridged an NFT of yours, you will be able to see it on your Zapper dashboard.

Mobile App

Activity Graph for NFTs

Now in the Mobile App, you have the activity tab for NFT collections. You are able to see an activity graph that helps you to visualize the average floor price of NFT collections and sort by specific timeframes!

You can find the same on web:

Download the mobile app

If you haven’t downloaded Zapper’s mobile App yet, now it’s the perfect opportunity to carry the web3 universe in your pocket.

Download the android app on the Google Play store here

Download the iOS app on the Apple Store here

Studio and API

Support for token holder metrics on Fantom

A few months back, we launched the ability to see “owners” of a given token on Ethereum, and have been steadily adding more and more networks.

We have now added support on Fantom for token ownership! Now you can see owners for all tokens in Fantom, and filter those lists for only users you follow on Zapper!

New & Updated Integrations on Zapper

Here are the latest community-submitted integrations that are now live on Zapper:

Updates to existing integrations:

  • Staked yCRV and LP yCRV on Yearn (Ethereum)
  • Mean Finance on Arbirtum
  • Banano on Ethereum
  • FRX support for Curve (Ethereum)
  • Ve and FXS vaults on Concentrator (Ethereum)
  • Kwenta/WETH LP staking on Kwenta (Optimism)
  • New Dragon’s Lair positions on Quickswap (Polygon)

If you are interested in integrating your favorite app, all you need is to know some javascript and typescript to get started. When you are ready to begin an integration, follow our step-by-step how-to documentation, check out our open Github repo, and ask any questions you may have in our dedicated integration channel on Discord.

Community Updates

Twitter spaces

This month we kicked off our twitter spaces, to bring interesting people and projects together to discuss relevant topics that our community is looking to learn about.

The first one was about The future of NFT collecting with Grailers DAO and Apollo DAO.

You can listen the recording here:

The second was about Defending Defi with @friendsofPooly, and you can also listen to the recording here:

Zapper Hang Outs on Discord

Keep your eyes and ears open, because we are now running every now and then Zapper Hang Outs in Discord, where we bring one of our team mates to hang out with our community. We want our community to get to know more of our team members on a personal level. And we might even bring you on stage to have some chat with them!

If you haven’t yet, it’s time to join discord here.

IRL Events led by the community

Last weekend, November 19th, Bankless Brasil ran an event with Zapper workshops to educate more people about the importance of decentralization and how they can use Zapper to navigate web3.

Next up:

We love to support IRL events where the Zapper community can get together and purple pill their friends! If this is something you would like to make it happen where you live, reach out to us here [link].

Game: Guess the trait

Guess the Trait was a game played by the Zapper community at the start of the month. Players gathered, and entered raffles for the chance to guess a trait on a selected NFT from a specific collection. If they were correct, they were able to guess the token ID of that selected NFT.

This process was repeated, while narrowing down their search using Zapper’s NFT collection page and trait filters, until eventually someone found the correct answer. Congratulations to exodus-exodus.eth, Maverickzz, Chrsby, Chesse and Gzen!

What’s Next?

As we are reaching the end of the year, our team has been busy consolidating all the things that we shipped through the year so far! Which aren’t a few 😏

You can expect until the end of the year to experience faster loading page, image optimization and improved balance fetching.

And activity feed is closer than ever. That’s all we can say 🙊

