Zapper Product Update #2: Wallet Bundles, Zapper Fees, NFT Season 2 Alpha Leak

Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2021

EDIT: In response to community feedback, we have decided not to implement Zapper fees. Read our response for more details on this decision.

Things move quickly in the DeFi space. To help our community stay on top of the latest developments at Zapper, we share regular product updates that recap Zapper’s newest features, protocol integrations, and upcoming initiatives.

We are well into Hot ETH Summer, (literally, ETH is burning), and our team has been working hard on several big projects that we cannot wait to share with you. For now, here’s a look at the last few weeks at Zapper.

Wallet Bundles

We have continued to work on refinements to our wallet profiles feature, including an update that allows users to create wallet bundles to customize the way they monitor activity in the DeFi space.

With this feature, users can create multiple wallet bundles of up to 15 wallets per bundle. This means users can track activity in other wallets according to multiple different strategies and areas of interest, and check them whether or not their own wallet is connected. A perk of being connected, though? The bundled wallets can be viewed from any device.

Zapper Fees

Zapper’s mission is to make DeFi easy to use for everyone. One way we do this is to simplify the process of adding liquidity to complex DeFi protocols by combining multiple transactions and exchanges into a single step, called a Zap. With Zaps, users save time, money, and the headache of submitting multiple transactions to secure the required assets needed to use different protocols.

Zaps are a key part of our monetization strategy, and as such we will be activating Zapper Fees by the end of this week. When Zapper Fees are activated, we will charge users 40 Basis Points (BPS) per Zap-in and Zap-out.

This means that users will be charged 0.4% (40 BPS) when they Zap-in & Zap-out of liquidity pools, and when they deposit & withdraw using our Save feature. Zaps are NOT used for viewing assets on our dashboard, exchanging tokens, or bridging from one network to another, so there will be no fee attached to those services.

Protocol Integrations

Our team is always working on integrating new protocols for users to view on their dashboard. Here are some highlights of what our terminators have shipped in recent weeks:

  • Volmex Volatility Tokens;
  • DinoSwap Fossil Farms;
  • and Abracadabra’s Magic Internet Money protocol.

What’s Next

The launch of Zapper Avatars is imminent — soon you will be able to extend your digital identity on our dashboard by setting one of your NFTs as a wallet avatar.

As our terminator-in-chief revealed in the tweet above, you will only be able to choose an NFT you own as your avatar. The good news is that anyone who participated in Season 1, or participates in Season 2 of Zapper NFTs will have minted an NFT from our collection that they can set as an avatar!

Speaking of Season 2, we are gearing up for the launch of the next Season of Zapper NFTs and gamification in a big way. More alpha will surely be leaked in the coming weeks, but for now we can confirm that we are adjusting the mechanics of our NFTs to allow for crafting!

With crafting enabled, users will be able to combine multiple earned Zapper NFTs to enhance their appearance and increase their rarity. This will add an element of strategy to the earning of NFTs in Season 2, because there will be specific parameters to what can be combined and how.

