Zapper Product Update #6: Introducing Smart Asset Display, Fantom Exchanges, & Celo Network

Published in
5 min readNov 3, 2021


Things move quickly in Web3. To help our community stay on top of the latest developments at Zapper, we share regular product updates that recap Zapper’s newest features, protocol integrations, and upcoming initiatives.

In this update, we break down recent changes to our dashboard that aim to improve user experience, make investments easier to understand, and new opportunities easier to discover. We also recap exciting new initiatives for our community in Discord, several protocol integrations, and support for another new Network on Zapper: Celo.

Introducing Smart Asset Display

Launched yesterday, Smart Asset Display is a series of updates to our dashboard view that will give users more context on all networks and protocols integrated with Zapper. Our aim with this update is to make the dashboard itself more of an educational tool that equips users with the resources to make better financial decisions.

There are three main components to this UX update. It gives users the ability to drill down and unwrap their positions, it introduces network and protocol profiles, and it adds a new right-hand navigation bar that will allow users to access, and eventually customize, important information such as network trends and Zapper Learn content in a prominent spot on our dashboard

Community Response

Every time we launch a new feature or a major update, we learn so much about what our community values about our product, how we can focus our roadmap to make our dashboard work better for our users, and just how important Zapper is to our community. The Smart Asset Display launch was no different.

We want to thank everyone who took time out of their day yesterday to engage with us on Twitter and Discord to let us know how we can make adjustments to improve the new dashboard view. It’s your feedback that helps us build a better product.

This update is a stepping stone that will enable us to ship new features during what remains of Q4 and into Q1. For more information, check out the tweet thread our CEO posted yesterday:

Unwrap Your Positions

Smart Asset Display is a view of the dashboard that provides a detailed token breakdown of the various positions a user has (Vaults, Savings, Liquidity Pools, etc.). By clearly showing what each position contains, users can see exactly where their money was invested, and more accurately track what rewards they are earning.

You can drill down into your position in order to see valuable information such as token breakdown and price, network, protocol, and APY.

Network and Protocol Profiles

New network and protocol profile pages allow users to view key stats on networks and protocols within the Zapper dashboard. With this new feature, you can now view your assets by network or by protocol, providing more context on the distribution of your investments.

The Protocol view allows you to see all the assets classified in one specific protocol.

The network view lets you consider your asset holdings by network. You can always filter out networks that you do not wish to see.

Right-hand Navigation Bar

Finally, we have added a navigation bar to the right side of our dashboard where users can easily view network information like gas fees and transaction speed options. We have also added a Zapper Learn widget so that users can quickly reference explainer articles related to the protocols and tools they are interested in.

This component of our dashboard will be the one to undergo the most changes going forward. You can consider this initial addition as scaffolding that will eventually support new and more relevant widgets. We have also heard a rumor that users will eventually be able to customize the right-hand nav bar to display only their favourite widgets 👀.

Discord Updates for the Community

The Zapper Discord community is thriving, so our community wizards have been adding new features to keep up with the activity there and optimize the experience for everyone. Some updates to look out for:

Community Calls and Core Team AMAs

We welcomed over 450 users to our latest Community Call, which took place on October 22 at 12:00pm EST. We’ve been loving the increased attendance at these calls since we started using Discord as the new host! The enthusiasm has inspired us to brainstorm new ways we can invite our community in to connect with our team. For example, last Friday we hosted an AMA with our new COO Maxim, which was also very well attended.

Anyone can subscribe to our Community event calendar by importing the following URL. This way you’ll never miss an event:

Community Giveaways

Our Community Wizards have begun partnering with various protocols and networks to offer giveaways to community members involved in our Discord. Most recently, we distributed 10 NFTs from the Arbitrum network to Season 1 NFT holders.

Zapper is a hub for all people and projects to unite, and with that we are looking for fun and creative ways to reward users who help us put the “We” in Web3. Stay tuned for more partnerships, giveaways, and participation incentives for our Discord community.

Protocol Integrations

Our team is always working on integrating new protocols for users to view on their dashboard. Over the last few weeks, we have continued our push to be a multi-chain dashboard. The latest network to make their debut on Zapper is Celo!

Here are highlights of new protocol integrations across seven (7!) networks:

Fantom Exchange

We are happy to share that users are now able to exchange tokens on the Fantom network from our “Exchange” page. More than 100 tokens are currently supported and our terminators are hard at work integrating more.

Zapper Learn

If you are feeling particularly studious this week, consider visiting our recently-released article about vaults. This article explains how vaults work and also outlines the key differences between vaults and liquidity pools. Getting familiar with the nuances of various DeFi tools can help you make strategic investment choices.

What’s Next

One of the most exciting developments at Zapper recently has been the onboarding of several new terminators. We have welcomed another mobile developer, several new engineers, a designer, and a Chief Operating Officer (COO). With our team expanding rapidly, we are happy to report that many of our most ambitious projects are starting to take shape.

To get a sense of how our team envisions Zapper’s role in building Web3, take a look at our COO Maxim’s article on why he chose to leave Google to help grow the decentralized economy at Zapper.

