Zapper’s iOS Mobile App is Live!

Published in
3 min readApr 21, 2022

Today is the day! The Zapper iOS Mobile app is here. This day has been a long time coming, and the entire Zapper team is thrilled to finally be able to share the app with you.

For those of you who have not immediately left this page to go download the app, this article talks a bit about what the first version of our app enables, what updates our team is focusing on in the near to long term, and how you can help us ensure the success of both the launch and the app itself.

What Can I Do with Zapper’s Mobile App?

Track your Portfolio

From the app’s homepage you get an at-a-glance view of your net worth and key details including token watchlists and your NFTs.

The in-app portfolio tracker shows a detailed breakdown of your wallet, from NFTs you hold to claimable tokens, debt, and your assets across different protocols and networks.

Show off your NFTs

Our NFT showcase allows you to view and flaunt the individual NFTs you own, and keep track of relevant stats on a particular collection.

Explore web3 wallets and tokens

The search function enables you to look up and examine an overview of any wallet address or ENS domain. With our token pages, detailed information about 3290 tokens on 11 networks is at your fingertips.

Watch your Frens’ Wallets

The whale (and fish!) watching feature displays your address book of watched wallets, along with wallet bundles you have created. You can view, edit, rename, and delete items in your address book, all within the mobile app.

What is Coming Next?

Our immediate priority is to make sure the first version of this app is running smoothly for our community, so we will be pushing bug fixes and updates as they are reported to us.

In the long-term, we want the Zapper Mobile app to offer you just as much functionality as our dashboard does. We will be rolling out NFT and app discovery, and then more transactional features like token exchanges, bridging, and everything else you love about using Zapper.

Wen Android?

We are also working hard on the Android version of the app, which should be ready in a few months. We really appreciate the patience of the Android users in our community. We know you must have a lot of FOMO right now, and we are doing our very best to make sure that FOMO does not have to last too long.

How Can I Help Zapper’s Mobile App?

Once you download and try out the app, we would be grateful if you could rate and review it in the iOS App Store.

Ratings & reviews help other people find our app. They also encourage our team to continue what we are doing well, and to reimagine what needs improvement.

Always remember, we are building Zapper for you. Zapper is driven by feedback, so don’t hesitate to drop us a message in Discord or on Twitter if you have thoughts you want to share beyond an app review.

