SEO in the browserless future

Todd Belcher (CDP Resource)
2 min readApr 25, 2024


Folks have been very concerned about the cookieless future for quite some time.

In fact, the cookieless future is in the past.

But, the cookieless future is also the present.

And, the cookieless future is — of course, in the future.

The cookieless future did swing a little focus back to SEO, but not in the same way that AI has. It is a non-stop battle of advocating for and enhancing E-E-A-T principles in order to protect our clients’ investments in writing words with their bare minds and spare time.

This is not a double E-A-T article. It is about search engine optimization for devices that do not operate in the typical fashion.

SEO for the device where you talk, it listens.

Then it goes and does the thing.

These are bot searches, friends.

Be prepared for the browserless future. Push hard on in-content open schema principles.

The search that will win in 2025 is the search that can get you from point A to point B without having to find a website.

Consider this style of SEO, and where your business can drive interest and enhanced experiences through the use of OPP: other people’s platforms.

You said it, we didn’t say it.



Todd Belcher (CDP Resource)

A customer data usefulness enthusiast with over 15 years of experience in technical, pre-sales, and customer success roles for customer data companies.