Heatmap — Zarget’s Innovative Approach

Zarget Stories
Published in
5 min readSep 22, 2016


We are proud to announce the release of a better, faster and sleeker Heatmap at Zarget. For the past few months, we have been working really hard to get this out and we are very excited to share it with you all.

This post is a bit lengthy. I have tried to cover all the challenges that we faced in the last few months. For those who don’t have time to spare, these two sentences sum it up –

Zarget’s On-page heatmap loading — lets you view your heatmap reports right on your landing page without having to load your page into our tool.

We have arrived at this revolutionary feature through our journey of rethinking heatmap.

How it all started

Building a next-generation CRO tool which makes it easier for the marketers to do the optimization process all by themselves, and improve the conversion rate has been our goal since the day we started Zarget.

When we started Heatmap we had one thing in mind — to solve the real world problem. We spoke to a lot of our beta customers who have been making use of a different Heatmap tool and understood their pain-points. Having a specialized team has always given us an opportunity to take a little more time to analyze the heatmap front.

The first analysis — CrazyEgg and Hotjar have driven their tool with the traditional snapshot approach. Users can view heatmap report for their web page over the snapshot, as the tool starts to generate reports. This works well for static websites, but not for dynamic ones which have Sliding banners, Image Carousels, dropdowns, popups (Signup or SignIn Form) etc.,

We have always asked the question ‘Why?’, while dealing with traditional solutions — So, we set out to create innovative heatmaps with something useful and unusual.

Heatmap with a twist — Zarget’s Magical Solution

As we saw this problematic workflow play out over and over, we realized that we could do better. We did not want to settle for something less, so we started exploring and our technical team cracked it and came up with a completely new approach — “On-page heatmap loading

This new approach allows a user to load the heatmap right on their page without having to load the page inside our tool.

Absolutely, no more technical hassles.

We have crafted heatmaps with options never explored before. Here are the top 10 things which makes Zarget stand-out from the rest of the players and why Heatmap in Zarget is truly an innovative one -

  1. Track clicks on a dynamic element: You can track dynamic elements in your website. Zarget is the first ever tool in the industry to support heatmap on every possible element on your webpage — be it static or dynamic or whatever else!!“With Zarget’s Heatmap, What user does is what you see”
  2. Works behind the login screens: Traditional snapshot approach does not allow any users to create heatmap experiment on pages that require authentication (ie. Web content changes from user to user mostly behind any login screen), as there is no way to generalise content to create the snapshot of the website. Unlike any other tool, with Zarget’s heatmap solution, you can analyse heatmaps behind the login screen.
  3. Real-time heatmaps: Heatmaps using our solution has no delay. You can see heatmap signature on your experiment page within seconds of user interactions.
  4. No Juggling between tabs: With Zarget’s magical keys Ctrl+Shift+h, you can directly view the heatmap right on your landing page.
  5. Bird’s Eye view a.k.a The Consolidated Heatmap: View consolidated reports for multiple pages of your site in one base URL. This report is generated for pages sharing a common template or website area.
  6. RegEx based URL targeting: You can specify regular expression (RegEx) for the target URL and we will match each URL hit of your website to determine whether or not to record heatmaps analysis for that page.
  7. Four heatmaps in just one click: We understand that your time is worth a billion dollars. Set up one heatmap experiment and view heatmaps, scrollmaps, clickmaps and conversion analytics for your page.
  8. Every visitor matters (Goodbye to sampling): We collect every click and visit made by every visitor on your web page. We don’t generate reports sampling your visitor data. We build reports with whole visitor data, for what you trust on us.
  9. Support for single page applications: Zarget lets you generate heatmaps for single page applications. Now, you can generate heatmaps for websites built with Angular JS.
  10. Support for Dynamic Selectors: Elements having selectors with dynamic attributes can be tracked with our super-intelligent heatmap.

Final Thoughts

On-Page heatmap loading is the state-of-art approach that will make every other approach obsolete in coming day. Don’t just take our word for it.

“Zarget is perfect for us to use. Having a website with a high-traffic, we were able to track our visitors’ behavior rapidly. Zarget’s ‘On-page heatmap loading’ and ‘Track using dynamic selectors’ helped us at large. A friendly dashboard with handful of features actually helped us to setup the experiments & track them at ease.” — Thiyagarajan, Voonik.”

Now that our tool is still young, energetic and is rapidly growing with such user’s voices, Wherever we go next, we’ll be driven by those voices. All you would now need to care about is your web page and Zarget takes good care of the rest! That’s what Zarget is supposed to be!

I am Naveen Venkat, Co-Founder, and CPO at Zarget. This post first appeared on the Zarget Scoops blog.

ZargetHQ is a Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) tool that helps companies to optimize their website and increase their growth more rapidly.



Zarget Stories

Co-Founder at ZEPIC. Ex-Freshworks, Ex-CoFounder of Zarget, Ex-Zoho