Prioritizing — The Zarget way!

Zarget Stories
Published in
4 min readAug 5, 2016


Building a product from the scratch is an art. It is a path filled with different decision-making points with lots of road blocks. A product management team has to take up features keeping customers in mind and work on the ones that add value to them.

There are a million ideas that arise in our minds every minute, but there never seems to be enough time to execute them all. The process of singling out the valid ones that fit into the vision of the company from the never ending pile of ideas has always been crucial to the product’s success. As funny as the notion may sound, we need to take a stance on what we believe in and that’s what defines us.

Being a young start-up and working with extremely talented people, everyone talks about a feature at lunch and you don’t have a runway to plan ahead.

So how do we take up features that add value to the customers? Here‘s our setup,

The Zarget Scrum

We believe in one thing — Keeping Zarget Simple.

The most noteworthy innovation has always had an easy solution. Reaching a simple solution is so difficult that a harder solution sounds easy to achieve most of the times. We design our scrum wherein different teams can zero in on tasks and be a part of each other’s progress, problems, and solutions.

Standup Meetings

With an amazing design team backed by a super-human dev team, we have chiseled Zarget pixel-by-pixel to near perfection. Daily meetings and discussions are never missed out at Zarget. From Heatmaps to How-to document, AB test to DC Comic, we discuss everything with passion with equal excitement. Every pixel, every text in the product has to go through these meetings before becoming a part of our legacy.

Listening to Customers

We work on a feature only if it matches with our gathered customer feedback. We take our mantra “Opinions don’t matter, data does” very seriously. A Product isn’t about just setting-it-up, it’s about getting users back. What if the feature we build with so much effort doesn’t add value to our customers?

We use Intercom within our product to communicate with our users. It helps us collect feedback and eliminate blind intuitions. All the feedback and feature requests are tracked and prioritized in Zarget’s Scrum. We make changes in our roadmap based on it and communicate it with our customers through Intercom.

Surprisingly, Intercom helped us in hiring a couple of passionate people who contacted us through the Intercom Messenger. And yes, we are still looking for crazy folks to join Zarget’s family :)

Being a young startup, feedback is what keeps us rolling every day. Zarget has transformed so far only because of the effective customer feedback and that’s what keeps us in the lane.

We came up with an idea of providing early access to the features to some of our customers who helped us by giving brutal feedback, valuable opinions, identifying glitches and much more — And it gave a better shape to our product.

That motivated us to take this up to one step further. We are now introducing Early Access Program (EAP) in Zarget so that interested users can get a taste of new features, even before they are rolled out to the entire world.

We are now providing access to a new featureForm Analytics to our Zarget EAP community. There are already quite a number of Growth Hackers/Digital Marketers helping us to make the CRO space better.

You can also join the community by sending a note to

Get featured on our customer page by sharing your story with us on how do you like Zarget, What more features you expect from us.

Let’s get together and make the CRO world better!

I am Naveen Venkat, Co-Founder, and CPO at Zarget. This post first appeared on the Zarget Scoops blog.

ZargetHQ is a Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) tool that helps companies to optimize their website and increase their growth more rapidly.



Zarget Stories

Co-Founder at ZEPIC. Ex-Freshworks, Ex-CoFounder of Zarget, Ex-Zoho