The Case for Mid-Year Resolutions

Roby Kurian
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2017

“Have you reached your goal weight?” my wife asked me with a smirk on her face. It was January 1, 2014, and she was pointing at a piece of paper I had posted on the wall with my 2013 New Year’s resolution — to lose 20 lbs. She knew very well that I had not lost the weight — in fact, I had gained a few pounds. “This year I’m going to lose 30 lbs,” I responded, raising the stakes and posting another note next to the old one. By the time 2015 rolled around, all I had lost was my dignity. However, since then things have changed — I stopped posting my New Year’s resolutions on the wall.

How are your 2017 New Year’s resolutions coming along? If they’re on track, congratulations! If not, don’t worry, there’s good news — you still have six months to turn things around. It’s time to analyze what is working and what isn’t, to make adjustments to your resolutions or methodology, and to launch your mid-year resolutions. Why wait until next year to continue on your journey?

Sticking to a resolution is hard. It’s hard because we’re trying to change something that is at odds with our established habits. Our brains naturally fall for short-term pleasure that goes against long-term good. Consider the choice between watching a video on YouTube vs. going for a walk? Instead of denying ourselves, what if we had another short-term pleasure that promoted long-term success?

That’s where we can help. Games give us a sense of achievement and satisfaction when we meet our goals and conquer levels. The impact is even greater if there is a social element like competing with a friend or even a stranger. The game we’ve built, Isle of Miles, includes daily/weekly distance goals and competition with friends and family, but all in the context of building an island and engaging with visiting animals. Does it sound like a fun way to reach your mid-year resolutions? It is!

I am on this fitness resolution journey too. Whether or not exercise is part of your mid-year resolution, I wish you good luck and would love to hear from you about your goals.

