2017 Career Makeover: 5 Things You Can Do

Teefa Rosly
ZCOOP Malaysia
Published in
4 min readJan 17, 2017

Fresh new year, fresh new start. Many of us repeat this mantra as we enter into a new year. Every year, you make it a point to do better at your job. Admittedly, it is not easy to shine in the corporate world if you are a bit of an introvert. However there are as easy as 5 things you can do in 2017 to be better at your job regardless of your personality trait.

  1. Get Organised

It’s tough to get things done if there is no organisation in your daily routine. Being organised will make things easier in your day to day affair. Start by de-cluttering your work space or cubicle. A put-together desk motivates even the laziest person.

Create a storage system for files and documents not only for the hard copy ones, but also a folder system in your computer which will make things easier in the long run. You can organise by monthly tasks or by projects. Apply a system that suits YOU.

Next, be mindful of the day’s or week’s agenda. This is to avoid missing a meeting or appointment and help you plan your time. Syncing your work email into your smartphone or keeping a planner can help to keep things into perspective.

2. Be Punctual

Be it for your clock-in time, for a meeting, or for deadlines. Punctuality is regarded as one of the key factors in evaluating an employee’s credibility as it exhibits a positive outlook to your boss and colleagues showing them that you’re there for your job. It shows your dedication and interest to the job along with how you are capable of handling responsibility. Plus, good reputation of punctuality will be a bonus point in your year-end evaluation.

3. Be Knowledgeable in Your Field, Be Passionate!

Nothing turns people off more than having a worker who has no idea what he or she is talking about. Be good at what you do. Be really good. There are a few ways to be skilful; Get mentoring or coaching from seniors or colleagues to elevate your skill and competency. Read a lot. Attend workshops or training in specific subjects. Last but not least, practice, practice, practice. Success doesn’t come overnight. You get better with experience.

4. Build Good and Healthy Relationships with Bosses and Colleagues

This goes without saying. Create a pleasant working environment by building good and professional relationship with your boss and colleagues. Don’t be afraid to get to know them, they’re humans just like you. Having after-work get togethers are a good way to loosen up. People are more motivated when they have good support from team members and the boss.

Avoid gossiping, back-biting and bad mouthing. These are a big no-no in working environment. Besides, you do not want to be known as the ‘gossip library’ by your co-workers.

5. Maintain Work-Life Balance

If you are happy personally, it will be easier to perform professionally. Work is important but family and well being are much more important. Though hard as it may seem, try to achieve a good work-life balance.

Plan your time accordingly to avoid having to stay back late in the office. Avoid scheduling meetings late in the evening to ensure that you can go home in time for dinner with family and friends. Take some time off work every year and go back to your hometown to reconnect with your loved ones or travel to broaden your horizon.

These are the 5 simple things that you can improve in 2017 to be better at your job. Is there any good practice that you would like to share? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.



Teefa Rosly
ZCOOP Malaysia

A woman juggling motherhood, wifey-hood and career as a geologist. Blogger at www.teefasays.com. Loves good food, fashion and traveling