3 Benefits of Working Out

Larry Yong
3 min readMar 9, 2016


When we hear the word “work out”, the first thing that comes into my mind is definitely the gym. Who doesn’t want to have a healthy and good-looking body? Everyone wants to live for a hundred years, to stay physically and mentally healthy even when he/she gets old, and to have a fit or muscular body, but many people do not know how to achieve these. To be able to look healthier, one must lead a healthy lifestyle and one of the best ways in doing so is by working out. Working out doesn’t necessarily mean weight-lifting as there are many other forms of exercise such as running, jogging, high intensity interval training (HIIT), playing badminton etc. So what are the benefits of working out?

1) Fat Loss.

Many people are frustrated about how not-skinny-enough they are but are not doing anything about it. So why not start working out? To lose fat, one has to burn fat; to burn fat, one must increase his/her metabolic rate; to increase one’s metabolic rate, one must make his/her heart rate increase. Performing any form of exercise will help to increase our heart rate. Weight-lifting is a example par excellence for fat loss, as it involves a lot of muscle contractions which will cause an immense fat-burning effect. Believe it or not, weight-lifting is one of the best methods to lose fat along with HIIT. Many people especially girls are afraid of weight-lifting because they are afraid that they would ‘get big’ and look like those professional bodybuilders. However, that is just a myth. This is because testosterone is the only hormone that builds up muscles, the amount of testosterone in women are very little and insignificant, thus women build muscles with more difficulties compared to men.

2) Muscle-Up!

Most guys would love to have muscular bodies and doing weight-lifting is the best way to build muscles! Why? Weight-lifting involves muscle contractions against weights as when we contract our muscles against resistance such as dumbbells or a barbell during weight lifting sessions, our muscle tissues will break down. By consuming food that is rich in proteins, the proteins will be used to repair our damaged muscle tissues replacing them with larger muscle tissues called muscle hypertrophy. Do take note that to have muscle hypertrophy, one must have a good diet. Following a consistent workout schedule is a great way to discipline ourselves to keep persevering through the muscle soreness and finally completing the workout program.

3) Detox

One of the great ways to detoxify our body is through sweating. We tend to sweat when we exercise and that helps us in the detoxification process. The higher the intensity of the workout, the more we sweat, thus more toxic are removed from our body through which in turn will give us a healthier feel. Some of you might have heard a popular quote saying ‘Your Sweat Is Your Fat Crying’

These are 3 out of hundreds and thousands of benefits of working out. So live healthy, stay healthy! Do share your thoughts in the comments section below.

