3 Reasons To Carry On With Motherhood

Zayana Yusof
ZCOOP Malaysia
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2017

Yes, just 3 reasons. We all grow up with our own pride and pursuit of self fulfillment that we tend to put ourselves first before others. This comes in many ways from studies and career to queuing for the best Char Kueh Teow in the town especially when you have a growling tummy to feed. In fact, things may seem bearable because all it takes is just your strong will and perhaps a little patience and considerations for others but you know that at the end of the day, you will get what you want.

Sounds pretty awesome right?

Chances are that’s not going to happen in motherhood.

They say that motherhood is about sacrifices and living for others. Those who have not experience it may not understand what it really means but for those mothers who have built a relationship with their kids, pretty sure they can totally relate to.

It’s the journey that makes you think of your children more than yourself; Have they eaten? How are they coping with school? Are they making friends? Are they being bullied? Did they get their pocket money this morning when you dropped them at school? Even the normal days may be overwhelming for some to handle let alone when they’re under the weather.

The staying up all night to rock them back to sleep.

The midnight driving to hospital because their fever was spiking.

The Emergency Leave you take to attend to your warded child that causes your immediate superior to give you that look. You know that “Oh, you’re taking an Emergency Leave again, great. Now I have to find someone else to replace you”.

All these circumstances might have at least taken you aback and made you wonder what on earth are you trying to achieve. All this drama may be leading you into a blurry state of mind and occasionally causing you to lose your life’s direction.

But chin up mothers. There’s still meaning in life even when your children have potentially taken out every bit of it from you because motherhood is;

1. Taking your patience and maturity to the next level.

When you have learnt things the hard way, you’ll take new challenges easier. You’ll have different perspectives and know that all the drama that life has to offer are only temporary. They won’t be kids forever. You won’t have to change their diapers for the rest of your life. Sooner or later, they’ll leave the house and you can focus on chasing your dreams again. So carry on with motherhood, as you do.

2. Simply a lifelong learning process. It sure does take time to adapt to.

Give yourself some time, especially mothers with little ones, to accept this role and the new person(s) in your life. It’s a lifelong commitment so we all learn new things every day. Some mothers may even lose the skills of bathing a newborn because their skills have now shifted to understanding teenagers. For that reason, carry on with motherhood, all mothers.

3. Offering you a purpose in life.

It gives you a meaning in life that you ought to bring your children up to make the world a better place to live. Your child may be clinging on you the whole day now but through your giving of meals, finance, education and values, he might be the next leader of our nation. Motherhood lets you to experience a role where your valuable touch is second to none. Carry on with motherhood, sweet mothers because the hands that rock the cradle can shake the world.

Even in the bad and tough days of motherhood, remember to keep walking because your children need you and rely on you for a full life. Even with the constant bending to pick up the toys and dirty clothes, even with the look that your colleagues give when you have to rush home at 5.30pm, remember to keep marching forward and carry on with motherhood.

Are you a mother who has recently lost her reason to carry on? Don’t worry, leave your frustrations and perhaps even help other mothers on how to cope with an encouraging comment down below.

