5 Essential Work Outfits for Busy Moms

Teefa Rosly
ZCOOP Malaysia
Published in
3 min readDec 29, 2016

If you are a working mom, you know how hectic life can be. The typical days for me start at 6.00 a.m, prepare a light breakfast for the family, rushing to get everybody out for school/work/daycare, rushing to get to the office, work, get home when it’s almost dark, feed the family, be with the kids, try to get chores done as much possible and before you know it, it’s time for bed.

It’s definitely exhausting. With all these responsibilities, it’s not hard to see why some working moms neglect their appearance and lose touch of their fashion sense.

Here are the must-have favorite work outfit essentials (mainly because they are low maintenance and time-savers) for busy moms to pull off with style and confidence.

  1. Blazers

Blazers are versatile. Depending on material, they don’t really need ironing. They look professional and when you put them on, you feel sophisticated. You can wear it with a summer dress or a pyjama top and you will still look work-ready. To take it up a notch, invest in colored blazers. Red, yellow and electric blue blazers look great when paired with black pants.

2) Knitted Tops

Knitted tops can be time savers because they don’t require ironing too. Jumpers and cardigans are appropriate for office wear. To look sharp, choose neutral-colored cardigans like beige, grey, black and cream. Bright colored cardigans look tres chic when worn over shirts and sleeveless tops.

3) Low-Maintenance Tops and Blouses

Choose fabrics that are not fragile or require elaborate ironing. You may want to skip the cottons and silk blouses. Opt for viscose or chiffon material. They rarely crumple but when they do, they are still easy and fast to iron.

4) Chunky-Heeled Shoes

Mommyhood and stilettos don’t match. Try wearing high heels while carrying an infant or running after an active toddler and you’ll get it. But we still need the height that high heels give. There is something about high heels that gives us the confidence boost. So opt for chunky heels.

5) Bucket Bag

Breastfeeding moms need tp carry breast pumps and necessary equipment everywhere they go so it is crucial to carry the right choice of bag. While carrying separate handbag and breast pump bag is an option, how about have a one carry-all bag. A bucket bag is your savior. It’s big enough to carry your usual handbag content plus breast pump but not too big to be mistaken as a gym bag. Plus point: they are stylish!

Of course, once in a blue moon, you could wear something a little bit more sophisticated that requires extra effort but these five fashion staples are important. So tell me mommies, did I miss anything out? What are your workwear essentials?



Teefa Rosly
ZCOOP Malaysia

A woman juggling motherhood, wifey-hood and career as a geologist. Blogger at www.teefasays.com. Loves good food, fashion and traveling