8 Tips for Living Productively

Maisarah Ibrahim
ZCOOP Malaysia
Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2017

Not everyone can wake up every day with the spirit of getting things done or even starting something. These are all normal daily hurdles and struggles we go through. With this comprehensive guide, you’ll be revving up your productivity engine in no time!

1. Stop waiting for the perfect condition to launch a great project. Just start with what idea you have with detailed planning. Remember, most people don’t plan to fail but they failed to plan.

2. Mess creates stress. So don’t mess up your mind with negative thoughts and emotions. Find a good outlet to channel out negativities and create a stress-free environment for you.

3. Part ways with negative people around you who steal your enthusiasm for life especially toxic friends who are less than supportive of your goals or those who often belittle your dreams and aspirations.

4. Don’t let your bed pull you into a state of laziness. Wake up early in the morning so you can plan your day ahead and get a jump start on your daily to-do list.

5. Get fit and live a healthy lifestyle. Get some exercise and get enough sleep plus rest up. It is important to pay attention to our health because we can’t do something well with an unhealthy body and souls.

6. Write a ‘Stop Doing List’. Every productive person writes their ‘To Do List’ but they also have a ‘Don’t-Do-List’ which helps to them achieve clarity in their goals.

7. Go under the radar when you need to. Don’t accommodate to everyone if you can’t commit to the social excursions. This way you’ll be able to have pure focus and yield massive results.

8. Avoid multitasking. According to new research findings, doing too much than you’re capable of can turn into distractions instead of focusing on the real priorities. Be one of the rare few who develop the mental and physical discipline to have a monomaniacal focus on one thing for many hours. (It’s all about practice).

So are you ready to get started with that idea you’ve had all this while? What’s your number one productivity tip? Let us know in a comment!



Maisarah Ibrahim
ZCOOP Malaysia
Writer for

Prefer to be known as Sarah and she is the type of girl who struggling her life in her 18 and now she blogs on http://messarah.blogspot.com/