Anti-ageing, start young!

Sharifah Shakirah
ZCOOP Malaysia
Published in
3 min readAug 23, 2016

Our skin will start to naturally age starting from our 20s. In addition to that, we have other external causes that speed up the ageing process. Oh NO! The most common cause of ageing is something called photo-ageing which is exposure to sun. The sun destroys the collagen in your skin which functions to maintain your skin’s elasticity and ampleness.

Don’t worry ladies and gentlemen, oh yes; guys should start to worry as well. If it can be sped up, it surely can be slowed down. The sooner we start to care about wrinkles and dullness, the slower we will age.

The first and most important tip is sunscreen. The sun can destroy the collagen in our skin reducing the skin’s elasticity. For daily use, wear sunscreen with at least SPF30. Protect yourselves even from occasional and minimal exposure. If you wear makeup, find a base with SPF in it so you don’t need to apply two products twice but there’s no harm in using double. Don’t forget to reapply sunscreen after two hours if you’re under the sun for too long as melts away with sweat. Just so you know, even if you think there is no sun blazing on you, you are wrong. As long as there is day, there is sun, so slab on your sunscreen no matter what the weather looks like.

Next up is watching your diet. The most important thing is to eat loads of fruits and veges as they contain antioxidants. Antioxidants will remove the harmful toxics that reduce your skin’s elasticity. Other than fruits and vegetables, there are a lot of other sources which contain antioxidants. You can also use skin products that incorporates ingredient with antioxidant such as grapes, berries, nuts, oranges and many more.

Another simple tip is by taking good care of your skin. Use the right facial cleanser daily to make sure the dirt on your face is gone. Get used to using moisturizers as well. Hydrating the skin also helps reduce wrinkles as it indirectly improves elasticity. Side note; drink lots of water too. Internal hydration will boost your skin’s condition and work wonders. Never underestimate the power of plain old water.

So take some time to care, cherish and love your skin. Stay young everyone!

Do you have any other anti-ageing beauty tips to share? Feel free to leave them in the comment section below.

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