College Edition: Preparing for Class in 3 Easy Steps

Adawiyah Rosli
ZCOOP Malaysia
Published in
3 min readDec 18, 2016

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” -Benjamin Franklin

For college students, it is such a routine for us to be going through hectic days. Pile of workloads from assignments, group tasks and our everyday class schedule. It can drain our energy so ensuring we keep our mental and physical healthy is a must. Here are three easy steps that you need to do the night before going to class. These steps will ensure you to wake up with positive vibes and going to class prepared.

  1. Pack Your Bag

It is a must for you to pack your bag the night before going to class. This is to avoid you from carelessly leaving what’s important. To add, don’t forget to charge your laptop, cellphone and powerbank so that you don’t have to worry about the electronics during class. Put a bottle of plain water and a bar of energy snack to keep you alert and energetic for the whole class session.

2. Match Your Attire

Play a game of outfit mix and match . Plan well of what you want to wear for tomorrow’s class. Try to ask yourselves these basic questions; what type of look you want to portray, the colours and any suitable accessories that might enhance your appearance to class. Hang your outfit well and arrange the accessories on your desk. Last minute preparation will make you look sloppy and you probably make a fashion mistake in all that chaos.

3. Pamper Yourself

Before going to sleep, wash your face by using the skincare that is suitable for your skin type. Apply serum and night cream for better results. No, beauty doesn’t need pain, it just need a better care routine. If you find it hard to fall asleep, read a book and keep your gadget away. Do not forget to set your alarm clock and after that you may sail away with your dreams. Sleep well!

These three steps are easy, right? It is now time to take action! After all, a good preparation will definitely give you a head start the next morning and feel more confident in class. Now go break a leg and happy studying!

Do you have any college stories to share? Feel free to share them in the comment section below.



Adawiyah Rosli
ZCOOP Malaysia

Bachelor of Teaching (Hons) TESL. A trainee teacher of IPG Kampus Dato' Razali Ismail, K. Terengganu.