Hobbies That You Can Make Money

Alya Zul
3 min readJun 6, 2016


Are you unemployed or need some extra money? That’s where having hobbies are beneficial. Fun, relaxing and enjoyable things to do are stress-free and can really pay off if you’re good at them. It can even make you earn a bit of extra cash. Here are some hobbies that can make money.

1. Photography

Do you have an eye for photography? If you are really good with taking photos, it’s a great way to make some income doing something you love. You can frame your works and selling it at local art fairs or even online. Another creative way is as a freelance photographer that people can book you for event like weddings, graduations and also birthday parties.

2. Writing

You could turn your passion for writing into a money-making business. You can work as a freelancer, publishing your own book or start with a blog. There are newspapers, magazines, websites and blogs that you can offer your writing skills and get paid. Qualities of articles are needed to earn the money. However, since it is your passion, it might not be a problem for you to have good works.

3. Baking

You can turn your desire in baking into regular paychecks quickly since everyone love sweet food. Firstly, you can start with online baked good product. Bake something you know how to make and familiar with then see if you can get money out from friends and acquaintances. The sky is the limit for money making potential. You can also start a baking blog that you can share some of the recipes or display ads on your blog.

4. Sewing

It’s entirely possible that you’ll be able to make some money with this hobby. You can make decent money where you sew things and sell it. Since many people lack of this basic skill, you can also get extra money by adjusting size of clothing or to repair some broken parts. You can also sell your handcrafted sewing creations online.

However, it is a mistake if you don’t like the hobby that’s making you money. Hobby is an activity for you to enjoy spending time doing it. Find something you’re truly passionate about and eventually it will pay you off without you realizing it.

Now it’s your turn to share with us your hobbies and how do you think it helps you?

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