How to Get Organized in Life

Sharifah Shakirah
ZCOOP Malaysia
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2016

As we grow older, responsibilities stack up on our shoulders and in the end, it gets slightly harder to keep up with all the things we have to do. Doing one thing reminds us of other things we need to get done and it all get’s jumbled up which can sometimes make us tend to forget somethings on the list. We all know what happens when we start forgetting. Troubles, problems and issues that could have been avoided before would suddenly merge. So let’s gather ourselves and start getting organized in life. Here are a few tips to keep up with things and stay on track.

  1. Make a to-do-list

Although it sounds as cliche as it can be, nobody can deny the effectiveness of making a to-do list. List out the things that you have to get done by the day, by the week or by that month. Prioritize the items according to urgency to get it settled. Once you’re done with one thing, cross it out. The satisfaction of crossing out everything on the list is just amazing! If you have never tried making a list, you should start today. It’ll make a lot of difference to clear up your mind and get things done.

2. Set a time frame for everything

This tip is crucial because it helps you get things done quickly and gives more free time to enjoy yourself. Always set a goal when to get things done or at least set a duration of how long it would take to complete a specific task. This will really keep you on track and push you to get it done by the allocated time. Having a goal generally just motivates you to try and achieve the goal no matter what. Same concept applies when setting a time goal. It’s like a challenge to yourself that you need to overcome.

3. Use sticky notes

Some things we need to do will come up suddenly and needs to be done immediately. At times like this, sticky notes are really helpful. Not only do you note the need to get it done, you will also realize the urgency to execute it as fast as possible. Be creative and use the different colors of the sticky notes to know the level of urgency. Another idea is to categorize the different colors to different errands such as chores, work, kids, appointments. To really keep things tidy, prepare a board or a specific area for sticky notes, along with a pen and a small dustbin. Once it’s done, crumple it and throw it out.

4. Plan ahead

Now, this is one of hardest things to do. Think of the free time you will have and think about what you can do in the meantime. For example, if you have a connecting flight and have around two hours of sitting around while waiting. Plan things that you can do during the gap. Once you have planned what you want to do, you will immediately become productive and hence, no time wasted.

With that, let’s all try to be more productive and more organized. This way, when we rest, we can truly rest. All the best ! If you have any thoughts or other ideas to get organized, write it in the comment section below.

