How to Handle A Trouble Maker Roommate

3 min readOct 31, 2016


Have you ever felt like wanting to punch your roommate? Or just shout at them about your uncomfortable feeling when they invite their friends to come over and discuss an assignment till morning without any guilt. This has happened to us whether during our student years or single life where we have to rent a house with strangers. At first we will start being nice and respect each other as everybody pays the rent. However, if they invite friends over every day and make noise until it disturbs you, it can be very irritating.

So, if you have faced this kind of situation, what would you do to make sure they respect your privacy? Here is a little tip to make sure they are more respectful towards you in the house.

1- Slow talk with your roommate

What you afraid of? They won’t eat you. Just tell them. Ask them politely to never bring their friends if they want to stay up till morning or they can bring them over but tone down the noise they make so that you can get your sleep. They can use the library or any study room that opens 24/7. You can give the choices because you have the right. You live there too! Your roommate friend might sometimes not be your actual friend. So yeah, they can’t cross over the boundary of your privacy.

2- Head out if you have to

If you have something important the next day, for example like a test or a meeting, you can slip on your comfortable clothes and head out if you want some peace and quiet. You can go relax at a nearby café, library or anywhere you can find comfort.

3- Give them a hint

If you want to stay, it is okay then because you rent the house too. You can just give a hint that you want to focus. Make a ‘shush’ sound just to make them silent. This is because sometimes they forget that they are other people living in the house. Besides, you also can give a displeased face when they make loud noises.

The sooner you express an unsatisfied feeling to them, the better you will feel. If you keep silent, they will never know and consider what you feel because to them you are okay with the situation. Some of the people can’t read other expression so we as a rational human being need to tell them politely. But, if their friends greet you and apologize for being disturbing our study, then it would be okay then. If not, then your roommate and you are in a cold war!

Have you ever had this kind of experience? Please share them with us in the comment section below.

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