How to Kickstart Your Entrepreneurial Dream

Maisarah Ibrahim
ZCOOP Malaysia
Published in
3 min readMar 7, 2017

Business is blooming and flourishing even with the present turbulent state of the economy. Many people dream to be an entrepreneur and look towards earning money so that they can do whatever they want in life like travelling around the world or smooth sailing in yacht. Some students also get involved in business to help with their education budget. Here are some general tips to get you started.

  1. Have an aim in mind

First and foremost, you must identify your goals. You must know which level you want to reach. State also your reasons on why you must reach the level that you aim. This way, you can always motivate yourself to keep going strong in business in case you’re bumped with a low point. In business, the journey is not always about profit but it’s also about loss.

2. Time to get knowledgeable

You can’t do something if you don’t know the flow especially in business. Most people don’t get their business education in high school or university but they attend business seminar, join short courses about marketing and etc. You must prepare yourself with business knowledge whether about managing stock, marketing, branding, risk management and more. Equip and gear up with all you can.

3. Have a mentor

Successful entrepreneurs like Dato’ Azizan Osman, Vivy Yusof, Ameerul Afiq, Dato’ Carl and etc. You can follow them on social media because they do share about business tips in their social media accounts. Sometimes they will share about their experiences in business so that you can learn something from them. Finding a good mentor will encourage you to always strive so you can be like them. If you’re lucky, they will guide you from A to Z.

4. Just do it

Dreams can’t be achieved without action. You might be itching to get started now so start with the small steps. Plan first. Get educated. Assemble a good team if you have to. Remember, businesses are a risk as much as they are profitable. So be sure to guard yourself with all the tips.

Are you an entrepreneur? Want to share a tip? Leave it down below.



Maisarah Ibrahim
ZCOOP Malaysia
Writer for

Prefer to be known as Sarah and she is the type of girl who struggling her life in her 18 and now she blogs on