Ready, Set, Pose!

Ateeqa Nasha
ZCOOP Malaysia
Published in
4 min readJan 16, 2017

So you have somehow naturally mastered the art of a picture perfect selfie. Nevertheless, have you ever encountered that awkward moment when someone offers to take your photo as though they have been watching you taking photos of yourself all this while and are sympathetic? Here is a sneak peek on how to go along with the situation and be ready to pose in a flash.

1. Practice your smile

So they say the best curve on a woman’s body is their smile. However, which smile are they talking about? There’s definitely a fine line that draws the difference between a smirk, grin and fake smile from the genuine one. So practice your smile now because each one reveals its own story and impression. For casual snapshots, showing a relaxed facial expression is always the way to go while you stretch on those smiling muscles. Not only will you give off positive vibes, you’ll turn a flat 2D photo into a flattering one. So practice now before you get caught red-handed!

2. Work that posture

The second rule of thumb is, posture. The mother of all body language. Whether you are sitting or standing, put your chin up and push your chest forward. This brings out the confidence in you. Slouch merily if you’re on a haute couture photoshoot but for casual snapshots the extra effort is not necessary. Otherwise, if you’re feeling rather lazy than snazzy, just smile away like you mean it. Playing it up with crazy freestyle poses and candid gestures are also cool as long as you are in control of the posture.

3. Know your best side and angle

Some prefer right, some prefer left but a straight up center look is pretty boring. No one has a symmetrical face (unless you’re Barbie), so play around with different angles by tilting your head slightly in different directions. Maybe it’s the prominent cheekbone that you would like to show off or one sided dimple. So go ahead and experiment. For the placement of your body, the usual 45 degree angle to the camera is evergreen because the world knows that when you’re showing only three quarter of your entire body, that makes you look slimmer and slender.

4. Look around for visual space

The classic hands on hip pose is famous for highlighting the visual space between your body and your arms. On one hand this posture makes you look thinner by highlighting your silhouette, on the other hand it also makes you look more noticeable and dominant as though you conquer the space surrounding you. Do a star jump if you will with your hands up in the air. You will be bursting with confidence and that will give you one stunningly dynamic composition. It’s both fun and engaging for you and the photographer. Just remember to not completely lose control of your facial expression.

5. Accessories can be essential

When in doubt, wear shades. You will know why. There’s a reason why celebrities have them on even when they’re not out in the sun. Because they can’t possibly be smiling 24/7 for the paparazzis. A good pair of dark sunglasses will do all the work for you. This is the secret to looking chic-tastic at times when you’re really not ready to even fake a smile. Otherwise play up your pose with things that come in handy and use them as your “props” whether it’s your flowy dress, an umbrella, books, flowers etc. This way for you could divert the photographer’s attention to something else other than yourself.

Enjoying the tips so far? What are your own tricks? Share the details in the comment section down below.

