Signs That He is The One

Teefa Rosly
ZCOOP Malaysia
Published in
4 min readJan 6, 2017

A common question those in a long lasting relationship always get from their single friends is “How do you know if he is THE ONE?” Let’s break the mystery and look at these tell-tale signs that he is THE ONE:

  1. You are the best of friends

Google’s definition of friend: a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.

A successful relationship starts with a sturdy foundation called ‘being friends’. Being friends means you know each other, are (somewhat) comfortable around each other, can be completely honest to each other (well, at least 90% of the time) and are not afraid to be yourself when you are around him (whether to laugh until you snort or until you fart)

2. He has told you that he loves you

What is the difference between a best friend and The One? The One actually tells you that he loves you. A guy will not confess his feelings if he is not sure of it or if he thinks that you are not interested. Rejection is a scary thing even for guys. So when a guy opens up to you and tells you that he loves you, believe him. Unless if he is a known womaniser. In this case, run!

3. He gets you

He gets you when you prefer How I Met your Mother to FRIENDS. He understands why you need that third pair of grey shoes. He gets it when you rant about that boss that everyone seems to love. He just understands you, no questions asked.

4) You got past the physical attraction

Sure, at first the thing that catches your eyes is how attractive he is. How his broad shoulders complement his strong biceps and to him, you are more beautiful than Emma Watson. Fast forward to when you past the romantic love stage, you realise that looks suddenly don’t matter. His attitude, his character and his soul are the more important factors. Plus when he sees you without makeup for the first time and is still into you, you know he’s the real deal.

5) When you see yourself in 5, 15, 20 Years, You see him

In every important event that you picture in your life, he is always there; he’s there on your wedding day, he’s there when you deliver your first child, he’s there when you move into your first house, he’s there by your side in the new year’s eve of year 2032. When it’s impossible to imagine a life without him, it means that he is THE ONE.

6. You have mutual respect for each other

You respect what he does for a living, he respects that you do not plan to quit your job and be a stay at home mom, you respect the money that he earns no matter how small, he respects your need to shop, you respect each other’s family, you respect each other’s opinion on religion/politics/world peace/choice of outfit, etc. Respecting does not simply means agreeing, it simply means to accept the other person’s idea whether you share the same thought or not.

7. He loves your family (..and you, his)

You know when they say “When you get married, you’re not only marrying the person. You’re marrying her/his whole family”, they actually really mean it. Loving each other’s family does not only mean loving his mother’s chicken curry or him loving your dad’s shiny new Benz. It also means accepting that you have to move a little bit closer to his mom’s because she is old or enduring Aunt Gertrude’s rude comments about your cooking.

8) He makes you want to be a better person

He inspires you to be the best possible version of yourself. You want to do volunteer work more, be more fit and healthy, be a better cook, be more religious than you are. And these are not even for him. He makes you want to be more for yourself.

9) You just know it

Girl, you can read dozens of articles titled “Signs that He is THE ONE” and even though the signs are a complete opposite of the man in front of you, when you just know it in your heart that he is THE ONE, then he is THE ONE.

So, how did YOU know that he is THE ONE? Leave your comment down below.



Teefa Rosly
ZCOOP Malaysia

A woman juggling motherhood, wifey-hood and career as a geologist. Blogger at Loves good food, fashion and traveling